
the aftermath...


Kristen S.

Sam B...brings out the DUs!!!

W.O.D. 9.10.10

3 rounds for time of:
30 Med Ball Cleans (14#/20#)
20 Double Unders
10 Cleans (75#/115#)
400M Run

Perception vs. Reality by Chris Plentus

"There is nothing to make you like other human beings so much as doing things for them."
-Zora Neale Hurston

Rx Results:

Jen C, aka 'Granny Whoop-Ass' 15:58
Sam B., aka 'Special Occasion DU master' 16:48
Jen S, aka 'Full Squat Clean Animal' 22:18-FSC
Jerry, aka 'Butt Box Bad Ass' 26:00
Plentus, aka 'PitterpatterPlentus' 14:58-FSC
Aimee 23:23, aka 'Preganator'-FSC
Donkey 29:07, aka 'Mule squatter' (stubborn at first)
Miranda 26:05, aka 'Full Squat clean Fanatic #1'-FSC
Hannah 23:35, aka 'I heart thrusters'-FSC
Kevin 20:00, aka 'no thanks FSC'
Olan 26:09, aka 'Ol-an, roll-on' (thanks Dana)
Dorothy, 26:07 aka 'yes, I beat Olan w FSCs' -FSC
Brian R. 26:40,'Full Squat clean Fanatic #2'-FSC
Josh 26:46, 'Full Squat clean Fanatic #3'-FSC
Shawn 21:43, 'Your CrossFit Realtor'-FSC
Charlie Y. 22:20, 'didn't really want to do FSC, but oh well'-FSC


Melinda K 25:55, 63#
Dana 27:21, 63#
Bekah 19:47, 65#
Steve Z 25:49, 65#
Jay E 21:42, 115#,25med
Peterson 19:25, 95#
Kathleen 27:31, 53#
Kristin T 25:26, 45#
Dianne 25:00, 35#
Megan 26:19, 45#
Rob P - 25:00 (60 med ball FS, 10L/10R 21" step ups w/ two 35# KB, row)
Joe A - 27:29 (DC)
Bevin 26:23, 60#
Cindy 20:26, 35#, 10Med, row
Kara 23:07, 35#, 10med
CC --:--, 45#, 14med
Kristen S. 30:54, 65#, 14med
Pete 24:03, 75#, 14med, singles
Kim G. 33:42, 40#, 8med
Liz 26:17, 63#, 14 med
Roger 29:41, 95#, 20med
Gabe 25:46, 45#, 14med
Gina 26:49, 63#, 14med
Denise 26:49, 35#, 10med, singles
Katie 26:49, 35#, 10med, singles
Rob Ph. 25:41, 115#, 20#, singles
Joe M 33:03, 95#, 20med, Pukie x1
Tim G. 25:25, 115#, 20med


  1. Good Morning, ok the standards have been set - time to get a great WOD in....

    Jen C, aka 'Granny Whoop-Ass' 15:58

    Melinda K 25:55, 63#
    Dana 27:21, 63#
    Bekah 19:47, 65#
    Steve Z 25:49, 65#
    Jay E 21:42, 115#,25med
    Peterson 19:25, 95#
    Kathleen 27:31, 53#
    Kristin T 25:26, 45#
    Dianne 25:00, 35#
    Megan 26:19, 45#
    Bevin 26:23, 60#

  2. Great workout this morning, guys! Thanks for that extra push at the end Bekah!

  3. Great job Grans! I miss working out with you!!

  4. For Ellie, CC, Seth, Shawn and friends that are playing...

    1) Ingleside Country Club
    2) Shot-gun starts at 9:00AM
    3) There is a driving range there if you get there early
    4) Come ready to drink
    5) 570-650-4282 if you have questions.

  5. Jason - Are we playing best ball or just straight up? I might have to scale it if possible due to an injury.
    Still bringing my friend, Adam though.

  6. Ellie, we are playing best ball so you can pretty much do whatever you want. It will be fun.

    See you there.

  7. Ellie, I think you can scale to: sit in the cart and drink a beer a hole. We will not let you drive, of course.

  8. 6:30 PM rockstars -

    Rob P - 25:00 (60 med ball FS, 10L/10R 21" step ups w/ two 35# KB, row)

    Jerry - 26:00 (Rx w/ butt box)

    Joe A - 27:29 (DC)

  9. Thanks so much everyone for your support at the end of this wod! I wouldn't have been able to get through it without you all.

  10. all i wanna know is, who wrote those nicknames out, because they deserve a round of applause. hilarious!
