
Back to Basics

Banded Deads

Diane Presses

W.O.D. 9.2.10

Shoulder Press

Banded Deadlifts
12 x 2

Community Reminders:
Back to Basics is tonight at 6:00PM with Jason, there are still spots open, if you are interested feel free to to show up!

We have received some great original WODs for our contest.
If you haven't posted yet click here to submit yours today!

Click here for the Labor Day weekend Schedule.
We are closed on Monday, September 6th.

225 pound Grace with Rob Orlando - video [wmv] [mov]

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
-Thomas Jefferson

Bekah 58
Steph V. 80
Ellie 60
Steve Z. 75
Jen S. 65
Rachael 50
Rob 135
Dianne 50


  1. Good Morning, The Breakfast Club Results for Shoulder Press x5

    Bekah 58#
    Steph V 80#
    Ellie 60#
    Steve Z 75#

  2. Hey Penn State fans, I have my two tickets for the game this weekend, in Happy Valley if anyone is interested. They are Club seats, we are playing Youngstown St, and kick off is at Noon. My cell is 610-662-9271 if anyone is interested.

  3. Hey Danny!

    Liz and I will be there for game. Give me a call if you want hang out.

  4. Sounds good to me! Where will you be set up at? I will be running around like crazy but I will definitely swing by and see you two! I have to be there at 6:30am!

  5. We will post up in the IM fields. We'll text you once we get setup and stop on by if you are in the vicinity. We can do an AMRAP in 2 minutes of handstand pushup beer bobbing. My record is 3.
