
Steve and Mel swing 45# KB's!

Mel upside down!

W.O.D. 8.29.10


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 - 70/55#Kettlebell swings

(compare to 3.27.10)


(compare to 11.16.09)

Coaches Notes:
We will spend some time going over the Muscle up progression/transition prior to the WOD. Remember if we are never practicing a skill how will it ever be accomplished. The sub will be 3 Pull-ups/3Dips per one Muscle up. Click here to watch Jerry Hill's Muscle up tips!

Community Notes:
There will be no CF kids class today at 11:00am, sorry for any inconvenience. Coach P's Clean and Jerk Clinic will run from 1-4pm today.

"Thoughts have power. Thoughts are energy. You can make your world or break it by your thinking."
- Susan Taylor

Mel - 10 (banded MU, 45#)
Steve - 6 (45#)
JB - 10 (banded MU, 70#)
Karen - 9 (35#)


  1. Results from Sunday morning muscle-uppers:

    Mel - 10 (banded MU, 45#)
    Steve - 6 (45#)
    JB - 10 (banded MU, 70#)
    Karen - 9 (35#)

    Great work this morning! We had A LOT of firsts and I was so proud of each one of you!

    Mel - for first time doing banded MU, first time doing handstands on the wall during a workout, and first time swinging a 45# KB. And for finishing your 11th round even after the 20 minutes was up.

    SAZ - for your first time swinging 45# and making it look SO EASY, and for fighting through round 7 even after time was up.

    JB - for your first time doing banded MU (they looked great!) and for pushing through those banded HSPU. Way to swing the 70# KB too.

    Karen - for your first time doing HSPU on the 17" box and for swinging a 35# KB. No going back now!

  2. Nikki- just had nick order me up a 40# for home. Couldn't order less after Sunday!!!
