
Our team, headed to LA for the CF Games next weekend was featured today on the CFHQ MainPage.
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W.O.D. 7.7.10


Deadlifts (225#/155#)
Handstand Push-ups

The top 10 reasons why heavy weights don't bulk up the female athlete.

Today's Schedule:
Regular schedule resumes 6:00AM, 12:00 Noon, 4:30PM, 5:30PM, 6:30PM

"I wish that I may never think the smiles of the great and powerful a sufficient inducement to turn aside from the straight path of honesty and the convictions of my own mind."
- David Ricardo

Rx Results:

P.Lentus 7:58

Scale Results:

Jay E - 10:53 (225)
Chris T - 12:03 (115)
SAZ - 16:41 (135)
Jerry - 17:21 (225)
Dianne - 14:05 (95)
Patti - 8:59 (125)
Jen S - 10:22 (155)
Sam D - 11:06 (225)
Rachel H - 9:23 (63/73)
Donkey - 8:11 (155)
Megan - 8:41 (73)
155# Deb 15:36
205# WW 11:36
185# Brian 10:28
205# Robb PH 10:01
225# Mike F 6:46
225# Olan 15:56
225# Kevin 10:47
185# JZ 6:38
65# Melinda 8:12
155# Miranda 9:52
85# Holly M 6:59
65# Dana 6:58
95# Tim H 3:39
135# Ditty 11:02
95# Joe M 5:33
155# Kerry 11:52
205# Vincent 5:42
155# Roger 6:07
155# SamB 6:23
225# Chris B 10:15
225# Mike B 8:46
95# Maureen 8:47
95# Kathleen 6:40
135# Laura 13:14
105# Liz 10:56
115# Gina 9:38
135# Kristen S 13:05
155# Hannah 11:43
83# CC 6:17
85# Christine 8:13
Jaime 21-15-9 KB/PushUps 6:35


  1. affiliate team made mainsite, congratulations!

  2. What would the sub be for hand stand push ups?

  3. Maura, the next scale would be putting your feet on a box so your body is elevated. Beyond that, regular push ups. Some people in the CF world will sub dumbbell shoulder presses since it's a very similar movement (just flipped around) but I think we'll stick with the box/regular push ups at the box.

  4. happy birthday Ray! I probably couldn't find a more patriotic, upstanding citizen even if I tried. And your dedication to working out away from the box is admirable, a lot of people don't have that kind of discipline. Have a great one!

  5. Happy Birthday Ray! Miss seeing you at the box! Have a beer and relax today! You deserve it, friend!

  6. Happy Birthday Ray! We definitely miss you at the box but your at home and road WODs are a real inspiration. You really keep the spirit of CrossFit KoP with you wherever you are!! Have a great day brother!!!

  7. Results from 0600 and 1200:
    Jay E - 10:53 (225)
    Chris T - 12:03 (115)
    SAZ - 16:41 (135)
    Jerry - 17:21 (225)
    Dianne - 14:05 (95)
    Patti - 8:59 (125)
    Jen S - 10:22 (155)
    Sam D - 11:06 (225)
    Rachel H - 9:23 (63/73)
    Donkey - 8:11 (155)
    Megan - 8:41 (73)

  8. Happy Birthday Ray - now get your butt to the box and get some!

  9. Rx
    Chris P 7:58

    155# Deb 15:36
    205# WW 11:36
    185# Brian 10:28
    205# Robb PH 10:01
    225# Mike F 6:46
    225# Olan 15:56
    225# Kevin 10:47
    185# JZ 6:38
    65# Melinda 8:12
    155# Miranda 9:52
    85# Holly M 6:59
    65# Dana 6:58
    95# Tim H 3:39
    135# Ditty 11:02
    95# Joe M 5:33
    155# Kerry 11:52
    205# Vincent 5:42
    155# Roger 6:07
    155# SamB 6:23
    225# Chris B 10:15
    225# Mike B 8:46
    95# Maureen 8:47
    95# Kathleen 6:40
    135# Laura 13:14
    105# Liz 10:56
    115# Gina 9:38
    135# Kristen S 13:05
    155# Hannah 11:43
    83# CC 6:17
    85# Christine 8:13
    Jaime 21-15-9 KB/PushUps 6:35

  10. Great Job Olan, Deb, and Kevin in the 4:30 class. You guys went all out in today's WOD. Way to push through on the handstand push-ups.

  11. Mike thanks for being a great cheerleader for us!!! Couldn't have gotten through this one without you cheering me on! Great work everyone in the heat!!!

  12. My time was actually 7:39. I blame my poor handwriting.
