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W.O.D. 7.9.10

Intervals and Skills

3 x 1:00 minute Intervals of:
Mountain Climbers

Skill work:
Turkish Get Up 10R/10L
Pistols 20R/20L

"Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way."
-George Evans

Rx + Scale Results:
Ditty 115
Steph V 90
P-e-t-e-r-s-o-n 189
Lindsey 200
Grans 286
Kristin T. 179
SAZ 127
Bevin 170
Seth 235
Gina 137
Sam D. 236
Megan 133
Jaime 140
Kevin 221
Shawn 201
Cindy 119
Dorothy 267
Holly 130
Olan 179
Vincent 147
Gary 225
Kerry 310
Joe M 164
Jason B. 306
Jerry 200
Aimee 260
Miranda 193
Jim C. 196
Liz 233
Tim H 92
Kathleen 187
Kim G. 181
Jen N. 111
Dana 313
Brian U 212
Joe 337
Maureen 160
Chris B. 180
Brit 164
Darlene 133
Maura 177
Rob 231


  1. Oooooh - I want a pink one! What does that tank say?

  2. It's okay to stare, just don't interrupt...

  3. I think I might have added wrong theres no way I had 337

    14 15 16 for the row
    55 51 50 for climbers
    12 11 9 for pullups

    for total of 233
