
Chris and Mike do Superman Burpees at CFKoP!

W.O.D. 7.26.10

Overhead Squat

3 Rounds for time of:
30 Reps-GHD, AB Mat or Butterfly sit-ups*
21 Overhead Squat (65#/95)

*scale based on level and ability

Vitamin D by Chris Plentus

Community Notes:
Congratulations to Donkey who completed the Level 1 Certification this weekend Course this weekend and passed the Trainer Certificate test, along with Kit!


"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
-Mark Twain

Brian U: 95 (13:18 w/75#AM)
Jerry: 95 (11:40 w/65#B)
JZ: 135 (12:47 w/75#B)
Katie: 43 (13:26 w/30#B)
Danny: 95 (11:54 w/75#B)
Han: 130 (8:48 w/65#AM)
Miranda: 190BS (9:25 w/65#B)
Ellie: 68 (16:05 w/43#B)
Holly: 33 (11:21 w/25#B)
Plentus: 135 (14:24 w/95#GHD)
Peterson: 95 (11:00 w/65#AM)
Todd: 75 (13:35 w/45#GHD)
Jen S: 105 (12:23 w/65#GHD)
Laura: 105 (10:38 w/65#GHD)
Rob: 105 (11:05 w/95#B)
Sam: 85 (8:34 w/75#B)
Joe A: 165 (11:56 w/95#B)
Tim H: 75 (17:32 w/45#B)
Flounder: 73 (13:04 w/53#B)
Josh: 115 (12:30 w/53#B)
CC: 105 (10:13 w/65#B)
Jaime: 55 (12:47 w/15#B)
Ashley: 55 (9:12 w/35#B)
Kathleen: 55 (9:33 w/35#B)
Kristin: 55 (11:07 w/ 35#B)
Cate: 135 (6:16 w/65#B)
Kim J: 83 (14:42 w/53#AM)
Kara: 45 (8:30 w/35#AM)
Lindsey: 40 (9:33 w/22#AM)
Tara: 65 (7:29 w/55#GHD)
Nikki: 125 (9:22 w/65#GHD)
Kevin: 135 (10:35 w/75#B)
Brian R: 115 (8:58 w/65#GHD)
Rob Ph: 115 (8:45 w/75#B)
Keri: 45 (DNF w/35#B)
Rachael: 45 (13:40 w/35#B)
Gina: 55 (10:30 w/45#B)
Jay S: 95 (11:24 w/65#B)
Kristen S: 60 (11:34 w/50#B)


  1. Congrats to coach donkey and kit! This calls for a paleo bowlito!!!

    Thanks t&p good times this am, have a feeling I'll be thinking of the prowler for a couple days!

  2. Congrats Donkey and Kit!

  3. Congratulations Donkey and Kit. That test was no joke and neither was doing a two day cert on one of the hottest weekends of the year!!! Awesome job guys!

  4. Way to go Donkey and Kit on passing your certification tests!

  5. Congrats you two!! :) Donkey - did you scratch out your name on your certificate and write "Donkey?" ;)

  6. Kristen S. only used a 45# bar for today's WOD. Next time though, I am going to RX this one!

  7. TP 3RM170, WOD(9:28 w/95#GHD)
