
W.O.D. 6.18.10

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65#/95#)
Burpee Box Jump (13"/17")

GHD Sit up x 25
GHD Back Extension x 25

Community Notes:
It's supposed to be a HOT weekend! Make sure you are drinking enough water prior to, dring, and after class. Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are very real issues that we need to be mindful of. Make sure you are listening to your body if you start to overheat while working out!! What's actually happening when you exercise in the heat? Blood gets diverted to the surface of the skin for cooling purposes. The hotter you get, the more blood is diverted — as much as 25 percent of the body’s blood can end up going to the skin instead of exercising muscles or going to organs like the intestines, kidneys and liver. Some symptoms are muscle cramping, feeling faint or dizzy, headache, weakness, thirst, and nausea. Stay hydrated and have FUN this summer!

Local Events:
Click here to check out what's going on at the RibHouse in Bridgeport tonight!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."
-Mark Twain


Plentus - 5:22
Paul - 9:55 (115#/25")
Joe A - 11:34 (25")

Grans - 6:33
Olan - 9:06
Kim J - 9:34
Jim C - 10:03
Dorothy - 8:40
Charlie Y - 6:04
Donkey - 8:04
Brian - 8:19
Jeff - 9:19
JZ - 8:53
Jay S - 11:21
Mike V - 5:27
Jen S - 8:22
Sam B - 7:39
Chris B - 9:55
Todd - 9:10
Mike B - 7:58
Rob P 7:48

Steve Z - 17:30 (65#)
Jay E 9:30 - (95#)
Lindsey - 13:52 (45#)
Kevin - 6:37 (95#)
Kristen S - 11:05
Katie D - 12:46
Kathleen - 10:24
Christine - 12:39 (45#)
Annette) - 12:34 (45#
Dianne - 11:00 (15#, 21-15 only)
Tim H - 20:30 (65#)
C.C. - 9:15 (45#)
Darlene - 11:20 (55#)
Brittany - 11:20 (35#, 21-15 only)
Brian U - 9:28 (75#)
Maura - 10:44 (55#)

Kit - 7:02 (sub 60# MBC)


  1. I apologize I don't have all the weights/heights for those who scaled... if you want please post to comments and we can add the right stats! Thanks, and great job today everyone!

    Plentus - 5:22
    Paul - 9:55 (115#/25")
    Joe A - 11:34 (25")

    Grans - 6:33
    Olan - 9:06
    Kim J - 9:34
    Jim C - 10:03
    Dorothy - 8:40
    Charlie Y - 6:04
    Donkey - 8:04
    Brian - 8:19
    Jeff - 9:19
    JZ - 8:53
    Jay S - 11:21
    Mike V - 5:27
    Jen S - 8:22
    Sam B - 7:39
    Chris B - 9:55
    Todd - 9:10
    Mike B - 7:58
    Rob P 7:48

    Steve Z - 17:30 (65#)
    Jay E 9:30 - (95#)
    Lindsey - 13:52 (45#)
    Kevin - 6:37 (95#)
    Kristen S - 11:05
    Katie D - 12:46
    Kathleen - 10:24
    Christine - 12:39 (45#)
    Annette) - 12:34 (45#
    Dianne - 11:00 (15#, 21-15 only)
    Tim H - 20:30 (65#)
    C.C. - 9:15 (45#)
    Darlene - 11:20 (55#)
    Brittany - 11:20 (35#, 21-15 only)
    Brian U - 9:28 (75#)
    Maura - 10:44 (55#)

    Kit - 7:02 (sub 60# MBC)

  2. Oops! Forgot one

    Kelly G 10:29

  3. i was Rx+...did 21" box. thanks Nikki!

  4. I was not Rx+ but thanks for trying

  5. Doh! Sorry guys I'll blame it on Pappas's handwriting :) Thanks for the corrections!

  6. One more correction - Kristen S did Rx too! Great job!
