
W.O.D. 6.7.10

Rowing Cindy
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Calorie Row


Banded Box Squats
2 x 12

"If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse."
- Henry Ford

Sam B: 13 (regular with 35# vest)
Rob: 9 (regular with 35# vest)
Mike V: 9 (35# vest)

Charlie Y: 9
Seth: 8
Plentus: 12
Kevin: 10
Vincent: 15 (regular)
Shawn: 9
JZ: 15 (regular)
Sam D: 10
Jeff: 13 (regular)
Miranda: 6
Tim G: 7
Mike F: 8
Lori: 11 (regular)
Mike B: 9
Jen S: 7

Andy: 9
Kim G: 7
Barb: 7
Kim J: 7
Chris T: 7
Kara: 7
Donkey: 7
Rob Ph: 9
Katie: 11 (regular)
Chris B: 8
Kristen: 12 (regular)
Gina: 8
Brian R: 12 (regular)
Annette: 7
Mel: 12 (regular)
Ditty: 6
Kelly: 9 (regular)
Patti: 12 (regular)
Liz: 6
Rachel: 11
Ken: 4
Steph: 4
Holly: 9 (regular)
Bevin: 11 (regular)
CC: 15 (regular)
Flounder : 8
Maureen: 8
Kathleen: 8
Jen N: 7

Going forward you may see your name in a category between Rx and Scale titled Damn Close. If you are in this category, it simply means that your range of motion may not have been there for all of the rounds or reps. For instance, today, if you did not get your chest to the deck on every rep, you would be Damn Close to Rx. We just wanted to give you a heads up going forward. Work for that Rx and make it a HUGE accomplishment!

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