
W.O.D. 6.3.10

Push Press

3 rounds of:
200 M Sprint
Max push press reps at 60% of your 5 RM
rest 4 minutes

Your score is total reps completed in three rounds


"Executive Stretching Series Part 1" with Kelly Starrett, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action and discipline that enable us to follow through."
-Zig Ziglar

Dorothy 90# 5RM/48Reps
KDitty 85#/33reps
Jen C 95#/61
Sam D 155#/52
Jim C 185#/43
Joe D 135#/48
Seth P 115#/62
Steph R 95#/34
Brendan K 125#/-
Olan 160#/48
Charlie 130#/53
TerriAnn 85#/35
Andrea D 75#/43


  1. does anyone know where the closest box is to upper darby?

  2. sounds like CF Del Val: http://crossfitdelawarevalley.typepad.com/

    Rob is a good guy, he'll take care of you there.

  3. Yup I agree with Chris. Rob's box used to be in Upper Darby but now he's moved a few miles west to Broommall. He's still the closest to that area though.

  4. Results:
    Dorothy 90# 5RM/48Reps
    KDitty 85#/33reps
    Jen C 95#/61
    Sam D 155#/52
    Jim C 185#/43
    Joe D 135#/48
    Seth P 115#/62
    Steph R 95#/34
    Brendan K 125#/-
    Olan 160#/48
    Charlie 130#/53
    TerriAnn 85#/35
    Andrea D 75#/43

  5. thanks I'll pas on that information!

  6. Jason,
    Thanks for the fundamentals class tonight. I learned a lot. It's great that you spend the time to go over the basics. There's so much that I had forgotten.

    I look forward to the next session. If you are wondering about what time, I vote for 4:30 again.

  7. Jason, thanks for taking the time to do the fundamentals class with us today. It was very helpful. The individual attention was great! I think my squats are finally improving.
    I would like to do another class if your going over different movements. I look forward to it. The 430 time was good for me as well.
