
Have you ever tried a Guinea hen?
I recently did, Guinea hen is a gourmet meat, native to Africa. It's tender and delicate somewhere between the taste of pheasant and chicken. It can be grilled or roasted. It's always fun to try something NEW and different! What have you tried lately?

W.O.D. 6.19.10

Shoulder Press

30 Deadhang Pullups
30 Push-ups
30 Air Squats
Portion as necessary; score is time needed to complete the total reps

Chicken and Leek Chili

"If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap. If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing. If you want happiness for a month -- get married. If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else." -Chinese Proverb

Mike B - 145, 7:59
Mel - 75x3, 4:49
Steph V - 90x4, 6:58
Sam D - 135x2, 6:13
Jaime - 50x2, 4:47
Jim C - 125, 145x2, 6:13
Donkey - 65, 7:21
Jen N - 40, 7:34
Cate - 110x3, 6:07
Panos - 125x6, ?
Kim J - 77.25, 5:16
Steph E - 70x2, 7:14
Jay S - 105x4, 8:20
Brian U - 95x2, 4:57
Lori - 80x5, 6:20
Chris P - 100x5, 6:41
Vincent - 135x3, 4:57
Mike V - 165x3, 3:08
Rob P - 135x5, 5:38
Pukie - 185x3, 6:03


  1. I tried sweetbread last weekend. Mhhhh not my
    thaaang. But, I can say that a year ago I never
    would have never tried anything other than
    chicken and veggies :-).

  2. Results:

    Mike B - 145, 7:59
    Mel - 75x3, 4:49
    Steph V - 90x4, 6:58
    Sam D - 135x2, 6:13
    Jaime - 50x2, 4:47
    Jim C - 125, 145x2, 6:13
    Donkey - 65, 7:21
    Jen N - 40, 7:34
    Cate - 110x3, 6:07
    Panos - 125x6, ?
    Kim J - 77.25, 5:16
    Steph E - 70x2, 7:14
    Jay S - 105x4, 8:20
    Brian U - 95x2, 4:57
    Lori - 80x5, 6:20
    Chris P - 100x5, 6:41
    Vincent - 135x3, 4:57
    Mike V - 165x3, 3:08
    Rob P - 135x5, 5:38
    Pukie - 185x3, 6:03

  3. I happened to see and nearly run over my fair share of ginnea foul in south africa...pretty birds, but as with most meats, they look better braised over a grill and neatly sliced then on a plate

  4. Ate my first buffalo burger today (thanks JZ!) and I have had elk recently as well. Both leaner meats but flavorful.
