
Ker- One armed Grace




W.O.D. 5.28.10

30 Clean and Jerks for time (95#/135#)

(compare to 1.4.10)
(compare to 9.19.09)

Max L-sit hold
Paralette Hand Stand Push-ups
GHD Sit-ups and Hip Extensions


Chris Plentus breaks the gym record of consecutive Double Unders. Click here to watch Plentus get to 178 Double unders!

Today's Class Schedule:

6AM, 12PM, 1PM, 4:30PM and 5:30PM

"It was high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, Always do what you are afraid to do."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jason 2:44
Jim C. 4:52
Jeff 6:05
Laura 8:17
Charlie 4:46
Adam 4:12
Nikki 4:13
Dorothy 15:25
Rob Ph 6:23
Miranda 5:10
Chris S. 3:17
Cheri 4:46
Sam D. 6:00
Grans 4:48
Jen S. 6:50
Joe A. 3:01
Rob P. 3:54
Sam B. 4:37
Paul 3:20

Ditty 10:16 80#
Seth 7:11 115#
Jaime 8:16 63#
Barb 7:03 65#
Christine E. 7:27 45#
Liz 14:02 85#
Jen N. 6:35 35#
Mel 6:20 85#
Donkey 7:39 85#
John 5:09 95#
JZ 5:55 105#
Olan 4:42 120#
Kelly 6:36 65#
Brian R. 6:26 125#
Kerry 9:46 65# one arm
Kathleen 7:27 68#
Bevin 6:17 45#
Kim G. 5:38 55#
Ryan 6:40 95#
Rodger 5:20 95#
Annette 4:51 45#


  1. The 6am'ers are legit people. Saw some great times and determined people this AM. Fewer things are cooler than a woman grunting to get heavy weight overhead! An entire class of PRs this morning. They surely set the bar.

  2. Did Hannah have Liam yet?! Cuz I'd LOVE it if he were born on a "Grace" day. It would be perfect!!

  3. Sources say that today is a STRONG possibility. That would be funny...I did not even think of that.

  4. Super stellar day yesterday for Grace results, I'm pretty sure we had PR's across the board.

    First time Ladies Rx'ers Laura and Dorothy, congratulations! And for the gentlemen Rob Ph, bringing in the Rx!

    Great work athletes!

  5. OMG, great pic of me guys! hahahaha!

    Dorothy, I am soooo proud of you for not giving up -- so amazing to watch! Can't wait to see how much you've progressed next time I'm in town. :)
