
Good Luck to all the athletes running Broad Street!

W.O.D. 5.2.10

10-1 Push Jerks (95#/135#)
1-10 Hang Squat Cleans (95#/135#)

* You will complete 10 Push Jerks, 1 Hang Squat Clean, 9 Push Jerks, 2 Hang Squat Cleans, 8/3, 7/4....2/9 and so on down to 1 Push Jerk and 10 Hang Squat Cleans.

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts; to believe in the heroic makes heroes."
-Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881)

Jim (135#) 13:00 for 1/2 WOD
Hannah (93#) 29:52
Deb (63#) 16:34
Roger (95#) 24:44
Jaime (43#) 17:28

Photos from Broad Street:
Congratulations to Tim P., Tim M., Laura and Patti who all ran today! Plentus, our picture guru was on hand to capture a few of these shots!


  1. Good Luck to everyone running today!! My inspiration..

  2. Results from today:
    Jim (135#) 13:00 for 1/2 WOD
    Hannah (93#) 29:52
    Deb (63#) 16:34
    Roger (95#) 24:44
    Jaime (43#) 17:28

  3. Congratulations to all the runners from CrossFit KoP. Timmy P, where did your headband go?

  4. I knew this question would come up, I lost it at the hectic start and damn the sweat that coasted off my bald head into my eyes the whole time. No superpower for me.

  5. Tim,
    I didn't know you could levetate? But I am not surprised either.
    I have sweat in the eyeballs problems also. I bought a headband but am afraid I'll look like a dweeb.
    Great job everyone.
