
The KoP Affiliate TEAM, judges and athletes.
Is Timmy trying to steal the "Plentus" face?

The Competitors.
"or Mike and Tim's Wedding party?"

Deep thoughts from John Warnek:"WTF"

Ditty: Determination Redefined!

Todd: Is this really my body weight or did Jay load this with his body weight??

W.O.D. 4.11.10

Affiliate Team Tryout WOD's.

* YES, we will be having the regular 9:00am/10:00am/11:00am-CF kids classes today. These will be going on during the affiliate team tryouts. This is going to be a GREAT day we are super excited for all the competitors and WODs.
8:00AM) Tabata squats followed by 4 minutes of muscle-ups. You will take your AVERAGE Tabata squat numbers and multiply it by the number of muscle-ups that you can complete in 4 minutes. If you are unable to perform a muscle-up, your score will be your AVERAGE Tabata squat number. In the TABATA, rest will be in any fashion you choose. This workout is 8 minutes in duration.

9:00AM*) Carry your body weight on a barbell 400m for time. You will load a barbell, on the floor, with your body weight and carry it 400m. You can clean it and carry it in a front rack or back rack and you can deadlift it the entire way if you are unable to clean your body weight. There is a 15-minute cap on this workout. For those that do not finish, placement will be determined by distanced traveled.

10:00AM*)Row 1500m, 21 thrusters (75/55#), 21 strict pull-ups (5 MUST be L-pull-ups) for time. There is a 10-minute cap on this workout. For those that do not finish, placement will be determined by those completing the most amount of reps.

Tom 11:18
CC 12:30
Tim G. ?
Kim S. 11:10
Patti ?
Grans 13:43
Ellie 12:18

11:00AM) 15 consecutive clean and jerks. In this WOD, you will have 10 minutes to determine the highest weight that you can consecutively clean and jerk 15 times. Consecutive means that the barbell must touch and go from the floor. You are allowed to “rest” in the high hang, the front rack, or overhead. The highest weight will determine the winner.

12:00PM) 3 Rounds for time: 10 front squats (200/135#) followed by 90 seconds of double-unders. At the end of the WOD, each double-under performed removes 1 second from your score. There is a 10-minute cap for this workout. For those that do not finish, placement will be determined by repetitions completed.

"The power of the human will to compete and the drive to excel beyond the body's normal capabilities is most beautifully demonstrated in the arena of sport."
-Aimee Mullins

Men/Total Points
Mike V.-18
Tim P.-19
Joe A.-33

Women/Total Points
Jen S.-16

The following individuals will be representing CrossFit KoP at the Regional Competition in Logan Ohio on May 7-9th: John, Kit, Mike V, Nikki, Laura and Jen S.

Click here to view more photos of today's activities!

A special thanks to:
Jason for organizing the Affiliate Competition,
The Judges for dedicating their time to the community,
The Athletes for pushing their bodies to the limit,
and to the spectators and family members who were there to cheer for our community.


  1. Hi Just had a question for Steph and Jen S,
    would it be ok if my brother in law gives Steph
    the cost if the entry for the run a muck and take
    her spot? Steph I'm sorry that you can't do this one
    with us but we'll plan for the one in July!!!
    Just let me know. Thanks.

  2. I thought today was amazing and I am honored that I got to run it. Thanks to Aimee for having enough confidence in me to take on such a task.

    To the judges...thank you. The day would not have been 1/10th as successful should you have not been there. Those that actually judged and those that stood waiting in the wings ready to help whenever you could...thank you.

    To the athletes...thank you. Your willingness to roll with the punches is greatly appreciated. We learned some things and they will help make next years event that much more successful. Thanks for going through the workouts and giving them your all. Pushing yourself to the extreme is the only way to improve and you did that with excellence. Regardless of where you finished yesterday, I would be honored to have you as a team mate because I know you would give it your all and that is all I could ever ask of anyone. Watching those that never got a muscle-up struggle for 4 minutes was inspiring. Thank you again.

    I hope you had fun as that is what it is all about in the end. When you stop enjoying what you are doing, it is time to stop doing it...depending on if I get those MU soon, maybe you will have more competition next year. You better start practiciing! ;)

  3. Patti - Absolutely! What's his first & last name? I'll update him on the register.

  4. Jason - awesome job putting this together. :)
    Aimee - thanks for pushing me to do this :)

    To everyone - AWESOME job!!! I am so proud of EVERYONE! We are all lucky to be part of Xfit KOP!!!

    Will Logan Ohio be ready for our Awesomeness!?

    ps - I heart my judges :)

  5. Jen S, his name is Patrick Myers. Thanks so
    much I'll let him know he's in!! I will give Steph
    the money asap and we'll be all set. Thanks.

  6. I agree with the comments above, thanks to all of the judges and for everyone that stuck around to watch and cheer yesterday. I thought it was awesome that even though we were competing against each other, all the athletes we still supportive of their competition. I'm excited for Ohio!
