

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!!

W.O.D. 3.17.10

Workout 1 from the Mountain Sectional

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500m
21 Kettlebell Swings (70#/55#)
Run 400m

Russell Berger snatches 200lbs (at a body weight of 147lbs) - video [wmv] [mov]

Irish Proverbs:
Trouble hates nothing as much as a smile.

May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.

A change of work is as good as a rest.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Miranda: 22:15
Kerry: 20:35
Swine: 16:40
Laura: 19:22
Grans: 18:04
Steph V: 25:10
Mike V: 16:52
Megs: 24:00
Jen S: 23:47
Aimee: 19:24 (15# vest)
Tim M: 22:02
Han: 27:37
Mike B: 17:26
Mike F: 18:33
Jeff: 18:30
Sam B: 15:58
Cindy: 21:46
Jason: 16:50
Shawn: 20:53
Nikki: 19:55
Jim: 20:10

Jay S: 20:51 (55#)
Maureen: 18:09 (26#)
Kathleen: 18:30 (26#)
Todd: 18:06 (55#)
Liz: 19:34 (45#)
Jackie: 20:03 (26#)
Kevin C: 18:55 (70/55#)
Kristen: 21:24 (35#)
JZ: 19:03 (55#)
Olan: 18:07 (55/70/70#)
Dorothy: 19:41 (45/35-45/45#)
Ray: 19:57 (55#)
Deb: 16:59 (45#)
Katie: 23:09 (25#)
Kara: 21:50 (35#)
Kim S: 20:47 (35#)
SAZ: 23:07 (35#)
Steve A: 18:04 (35#)
Gary: 17:16 (55#)


  1. After the wod today, I noticed scratches all down my stomach...it must be from the rowing...anyone ever had that? Or am I just a weirdo?

  2. Jason Lyons,

    What was the website where you got the blue shoes you wear?

  3. Go Ray!!! get some, dude!

    (my word verification is "doneye". for a second i thought it was donkey and wondered how the hell it know. duhhh).
