
The LuluLemon ladies from the boutique in Wayne came out to CrossFit KoP for 9:30AM CrossFit class!
*Donkey is also featured in this photo, a soon to be LuluLemon Lady!

"If you haven't checked out the store yet...make sure to get there this week!"

W.O.D. 3.15.10

Overhead Squat


WOD #2 from the recent PA/MD/DE sectional qualifier

In 10 minutes as many reps as possible of:

500m Run
1-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Squats (35/26lbs)

Note: "Nicole" style scoring, put the kettlebell down at any point and run 200m.

* Bottom of the bell must stay above shoulder for entire squat for rep to count, hip crease below knee for full depth and hips at full extension at the top of the squat.
* Every time the bottom of the kb touches shoulder, head, or falls below the shoulder you must run 200m before returning to the kb and continuing.
* You may change hands as long as the bell does not fall below your shoulder or touch your shoulder or head. Holding with 2 hands overhead is acceptable only when resting or changing hands.
* For the rep to count, the kettlebell must remain in the same hand for the full duration of the squat.

The Level 2 class will continue at 7:30PM on Monday nights, I encourage anyone who is thinking about competing for the affiliate team to join us Monday nights for the L2 class. If you have questions about this class and if its for you, please email Aimee at crossfitkop@gmail.com

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."
Henry Ford

Donkey: 65# (105 w/18#)
Kara: 65# (50 w/ 18# row)
Cate: 140# (85 w/ 200 run)
Sarah W: 100# (40 w/row)
Sarah: 35# (? w/ 18#)
Jackie: 65# (61 w/ 18#)
Justin: 125# (33)
Jim C: 185# (60)
Cindy: 65# (12)
Olan: 115# (49)
Dorothy: 80# (124 w/ 18#)
Steph V: 125# (61)
Liz: 78# (110 w/ 18#)
CC: 95# (113 w/ 18#)
Kathleen: 63# (85 w/ 18#)
Mike V: 135# (102)
Pukie: 135# (120)
Laura: 100# (159)
Rob: 115# (84)
Justin New Hope: 185# (114)
Jason: 215# (124)
Joe: 205# (24)
Mel: 55# (69 w/ 18#)
Jeff: 125# (103)
Henry: 95# (35 w/ 18#)
Miranda: 105# (140)
Jen S: 95# (80)
Vincent: form (75+ w/ 18#)
Katie: 35# (27 w/ 18#)
JZ: 115# (71)


  1. So are we doing the whole wod outside in the wind and rain like all the athletes did on Saturday?

    Great showing by all on Saturday, it was awesome to be there and to support every one of you!

  2. After watching that WOD all day, I don't think I can bring myself to actually do it.

  3. P.S. Awesome job to everyone this weekend. So impressive. I loved getting to cheer each of you on.

  4. I had a feeling this would be appearing in the rotation soon!! If our athletes can do it in a nor'easter, I can certainly try!

  5. Mel- I thought it would be great to add the Sectional WOD's into the rotation, any athletes who competed on Saturday and comes to class will be given an alternate WOD.

  6. i'm looking forward to trying the 3mins of c&J myself after volunteering the last hour at that WOD! Watching the lanky dollar and some change 16yr old c&j 155# and another dude POWER SNATCH it 30times, validates my love of oly lifts :-) Can't wait for the snatch clinic!!

  7. i can't wait to try the other two--scaled to human levels, of course.

    and i am eternally, eternally grateful that we did not do this whole thing outside. that must have been so much harder.

  8. Did this WOD at home tonight subbed rowing for the run and used the 35# KB.

    30 reps with 2 trips to the rower for 200 m rows.

    I am in awe of the folks getting 150 to 200 reps. That was shear pain.
