
Two CrossFit KoP Birthdays in one day....who are they???

Happy Birthday Meighan and Chris!!

W.O.D. 3.12.10

Five rounds for time of:
15 foot climb, 1 ascent
5 handstand push-ups
One Legged Squat, 20 reps (10R/10L)

There is NO 6:30 PM CrossFit class today.
Judith Gabriel Massage therapist will be at CFKoP on Sunday March 14th.

“A competitor will find a way to win. Competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves just that much harder. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up. It's all a matter of pride.”
-Nancy Lopez

Kathleen: 25:27
Jen S: 29:18
Kara: 22:31
Kevin M: 18:21
Jenny: 21:43
Kim S: 17:14
Donkey: 19:21
Olan: 17:15
Dorothy: 18:03
Mike V: 15:08
Ian: 17:33
Laura: 11:04
Jim C: 15:45
Sam B: 10:13
Miranda: 18:04
Steph: 16:21
Vincent: 14:27
Jay S: 16:56
WW: 17:13
Brendan: 14:58
Todd: 15:14
Rod: 16:51


  1. Happy birthday Megs and Chris!! Sounds like combined, it will be a lot of burpees in your honor! Love the old school photos too. So cute!

  2. at first I was going to say it is hard to pick Meg's mug out of that lineup, but it is EASY

    Happy birthday Megs! now get your shoes back from Jason

  3. p.s. also love the hair stands behind Megs

    oh and who took that picture of a picture of me??

  4. Happy Bday you two!! It's a Party in the USA ;)

  5. Happy Birthday Meg And Chris!!

  6. PS - Good luck to everyone competing Saturday at Sectionals!! I'm so excited for everyone and I know you will all be awesome! Can't wait to cheer you on...3..2..1..

  7. Plentus - that picture is fantastic!

    Happy Birthday to you both!

  8. Happy Birthday Megs and Chris! Good to see the pictures of both of you - why did bowties and suspenders go out of style?

  9. happy birthday, megs & chris! awesome pics of both of you!

  10. Thanks everyone!!! Can't wait to do my bday burpees with Chris when I get back! Good luck to everyone on Saturday!!

  11. Happy Birthday Megs and Chris!!!!'Hope you both enjoy your day. Good luck to everyone on Saturday, I'll be thinking of all of you. Gotta work:(
    Hope the rain holds off for you guys!!

  12. Happy Birthday Megs!! We have to go check out the new LuLu in Wayne when you get back. Enjoy Cali!!

    On that note, for anyone who is interested the Grand Opening of the Lululemon in Wayne is tonight from 7 pm to 10 pm. The address is 220 W Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA. It is supposed to be a cool event (ie Live music, specialty beer tasting, cool clothes). I am might go after the volunteer meeting tonight.

    Happy Birthday Christopher!!

    Good luck to everyone at Sectionals!!

  13. Happy birthday Plentus and Megs!

  14. Happy B-Day Chris and Megs!!

  15. Happy birthday megs and chris. One question how did they manage to swim with all that hair?

  16. Happy Birthday little Christopher.

  17. Happy Birthday Megs and Chris!

  18. Happy birthday you two! Love the pics.

    And good luck to everyone who is competing in sections. You are my heros.

  19. Happy Birthday both of you, love the retro pics! Chris good luck tomorrow, you'll do awesome and Megs have fun in Cali I hope its warm and sunny since its not here.

  20. I motion that Chris wears that wardrobe to the sectionals.

    Happy birthday Chris and Meg!

  21. Happy Birthday Meighan and Chris! Enjoy your days. Ditty - can't go to lulu tonight but would love to check it out with you some other time...

    To Aimee and everyone competing tomorrow - I am so proud and inspired by you all! I know you are going to be fantastic and can't wait to cheer you on!

  22. I know it was you Timmy! Your wife is a terrible liar...good thing she's not a spy
