
Community Notes:

As most of you know, Aimee is responsible for about 99% of the material that goes on the blog and she is not the type of person to make things about her…so when something good happens, many of you may be unaware. Today, however, I felt the need to hi-jack the blog (good thing I know the password) and take a few minutes to let you know that Aimee has recently been asked by CrossFit HQ to become part of the Certification Staff…the group of select Coaches that train at Level 1 Certifications. So…you may ask yourself what does this mean?

I do not know the exact number but I am going to guess that CrossFit is rapidly approaching 50,000 Level 1 trainers. Of these trainers, to date, 318 are Level 2 Coaches. The best Level 2 Coaches have the opportunity to intern as a Coach at future Level 1 Certifications with the current Certification Staff. In this role, there is no guarantee that you will ever be asked to join the Certification Staff but due to her knowledge, skill, and enthusiasm to train others, Aimee will become part of the Staff after only three internships. This is a fantastic opportunity and another step toward a lifelong pursuit of becoming a better trainer for all of those whom she is in contact. Aimee will now have personal interactions with some of the best CrossFit trainers in the world and the knowledge that she gains will be brought back to CrossFit King of Prussia, making all of us more capable of reaching our goals…whether that be becoming a better coach (myself) or meeting that next milestone (all of you).

I am so very proud of you Aimee…what you have accomplished in such a short period of time is staggering and you are an inspiration to all of us. Your passion for what you do and your desire to put your clients success before yours is evident. You are the cornerstone of CrossFit King of Prussia and you have forever changed all of our lives…you deserve every opportunity that you are offered. Good job baby! Keep up the good work.

Love ya!


  1. Congratulations Aimee. With your level of dedication, I have to say that I am not surprised.

  2. Congrats Aimee, I think its a much deserved honor and now proof that we have one of the best Crossfit coaches! Thank you for your dedication and passion and for sharing it with all of us.

  3. THANK YOU for having the COURAGE to fully embrace your passion and do what you love. It is a message to all of us, that when you truly do that, you will be successful! Congratulations on another awesome accomplishment. I am so lucky to be a part of the community you have created.

  4. Congratulations Aimee! I second all of what Jason said. You are an amazing mentor and Coach, and we ALL always knew you were one of the best coaches in the world - now the rest of the world will know that too! And Jason - good job on the blog hijacking :)

  5. Congrats Aimee! You rock!!!

  6. Aimee, as I said yesterday, we are tremendously proud of you and your accomplishments. It was extremely cool to be able to say to people at the cert that you were my coach! The training staff is lucky to be getting you!!

    Jason, thanks for hijacking the blog! Your love and support for Aimee and CrossFit is inspiring!!!

  7. Cindy said it for us both - great accomplishment Aimee and well deserved, and thanks Jason for putting this up on the blog where it belongs.

  8. Aimee is going to be the next Nicole Carroll..

  9. Congratulations Aimee! I feel so lucky to be part of the community you have built where I am inspired every day! You are a fantastic coach and deserve this honor. I am proud to say I am a CrossFit KOP member!!
    Jason, your love and support for Aimee is so cute (-:

  10. Congrats, Aimee, such a huge accomplishment! And what a husband, bragging about his wife... oh the CrossFitKoP love!

  11. Congratulations to our strong and determined daughter. You are a great teacher. You are blessed with a loving, supportive husband. We love Coach Aimee, our little girl. Lovies, Mom and Dad

  12. What an awesome, awesome accomplishment! Aimee, you are truly something special and we are SO lucky to have you as our Coach and leader. Your energy, dedication, leadership and knowledge are what makes KoP so special. Thank you for being you, and kudos on this honor. Freakin' fantastic.

    J: you are the greatest husband ever.

  13. Aim, you're the best. Keep it up. None of this would be like this without the professionalism, enthusiasm, and dedication you put into every part of your life (well, i hope not professionalism with jason, maybe something more like undying love or something).

    Keep it up. Those new L1's will benefit from everything you have to tell them.

  14. Amiee:

    Congratulations on your accomplishment and thank you for your focused and unwavering dedication to your passion. We all are the fortunate beneficiaries of your commitment to excellence. Every so often we are lucky enough to come in contact with someone special...I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to be part of CrossfitKOP.

  15. ok, I'll get this all done in one post:

    Happy birthday Nikki! You've been doing great as a coach and as an athlete. The thought of you getting better would make me shudder if I were competing against you.

    Congratulations Aimee. As others have said, you have a great way of not only coaching, but of bringing us together at the box. I also expect big things from you at Sectionals. Thank you!

    Jason, nice post. You should ask Aimee out on a date.

    John W., congrats on making the 2010 Games page. You're a beast! (For those who haven't seen his profile yet: http://games2010.crossfit.com/)

  16. Congrats Aim,

    You guys run one heck of a gym and its good to hear that people will be learning from you. You deserve it. I'm looking forward to being one of those first trainees. Thanks for all your help.

  17. Congratulations Aimee! Super exciting!!

  18. Aimee, Congratulations!! Well deserved!! You are an awesome coach and we are all so lucky to have you teaching and coaching us. Thank you!!

    Jason, thanks for hijacking the blog and thanks for all of your great coaching.

    Nikki, Happy Birthday!! I hope your day was great!

  19. Aimee, Congratulations and thank you for all your support, encouragement and dedication not only to everyone that walks in that door including myself... but most of all for being an incredible role model for my children and showing them just what you can accomplish with hard work and determination.

  20. Congratulations Aimee. A well-deserved honor. Thank you for all you do! You are making a difference in so many people's lives!

  21. Jason, so glad you jacked the blog- it was well needed and well thought out and written.

    Aimee there's a whole-lata love going on here and its for all the right reasons. I stand behind every word each of our athletes has written above. Its because of you and your special motivational work ethic and personality that has literally changed lives, including mine. I thought running intervals on the track was everything I needed in life to stay fit but you instilled CF in me and taught me that there is so much more to fitness. You deserve every drop of success that is coming, and it obviously was only a matter of time that CFHQ recognized that special teaching talent and passion you convey every single day.
    Much Love indeed, and I'm so glad to be an active part of CFKoP.

  22. Congrats Aimee!!! I am so proud to be a part
    of Crossfit KOP.

  23. Congratulations, Aimee!!! Thank you for your dedication to the KOP athletes!

  24. Thank you all for the kind words written. I have always said, CrossFit changed my life and it has changed the life of everyone I have touched since then: a truly powerful thing. (Cue the Kumbaya music..Jeff/Doug)

    I have followed my passion to a place I could have never been able to imagine a few years ago.

    Thank you to Jason for believing in me and allowing me to leave the retail industry to follow that dream. (Although that retail background laid a nice foundation for what I do today…Mom and Dad not to worry the college dollars really did go to good use)

    And the biggest thanks to everyone of you reading this blog and posting on it daily...thank you for listening, learning, asking and opening your mind to CrossFit and the principles behind it.

  25. Congrats Aimee. The reason Crossfit KOP has grown so much in a year is because of your passion, enthusiasm, dedication, and support of your athletes. Tom Brands, current head wrestling coach of Iowa and an Olympic gold medalist, has a great quote that fits you. "People don't deserve anything. You EARN what you deserve." You absolutely EARNED and DESERVE all the honors and accolades you have gotten. Way to go.

  26. Congratulations Aimee! You've worked so hard and your enthusiasm is infectious. I'm really proud to be a part of your crossfitkop family. Props you to Jason for being so supportive, it can make all the difference in the world.

    All the best, Kathleen

  27. Aimee -

    Just wanted to say congratulations again. You have been blessed with so many gifts and deserve every success that comes your way. Thank you for working so hard to make Crossfit KOP the special community that it is today.

  28. Aimee, I once read "Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make them come true"

    All of us at KOP have come to know your dreams and to see that you have the will to make them come true.

    You bring a wonderful joy to the discipline, patience and focus on everyday fundamentals. That is definitely not easy to do.

    I think I can write without exception, all of us at KOP say thanks for helping change our life for the better.

    It's fantastic that CrossFit has selected you for the Certification Staff. Congratulations !

