
What's going on at KoP this week?

Hannah and Tim are having a BOY! Congratulations!

Our new edition is coming along...showers and locker rooms on the bottom floor.
Any ideas for the second and third floors?

...and Everyone's New Favorite Warm-Up!


  1. Doggie day care....lol
    massage studio...no washy wash!

  2. Steam Room? Ice Bath?

    Maybe a couple beds, incase anyone needs a nap after a tough WOD.

  3. Yeah a day care center would be cool, Sir Swine could run it!

  4. tire/firehydrant/yoke/stones storage. who gets to carry the stuff up the steps tho?? :-)

  5. I think the nursery is a good long term plan and then a DO office, chiro office, massage suite?

    BTW, that warm-up was much harder than the wod and it was 10 minutes shorter.

  6. Wow, you are making a lot of progress! Can't wait to see the finished product next time I'm in town.

    Upstairs -- a space for childcare would rock, and what about a yoga studio or a spin room?

    Random question for you all -- are there any good pics of your giant individual PR whiteboards? I'm embarking on some craft projects for my home box here in GA, and doing a board like that is next on my to-do list. Could someone post the dimensions of the columns/rows -- how wide and tall they are? Also, what type of tape/marking was used to make the lines?


  7. What about a paleo cafe or coffee shop on the top floors...

  8. http://radicalhateloss.blogspot.com/2010/01/radical-woman-q-with-crossfitter.html

    hey all,
    wanted to share today's post is a Q&A with crossfitter, blogger and friend of the box, Cheri. I hope you love her answers as much as I did!!

  9. day care, steam room, nursery, childcare, coffee shop... hmmm....globo gym

  10. globo gym (n) 1) establishment where isolation movements are not only the norm but they are also encouraged 2) establishment where an equal amount of people can be seen talking as using machines 3) establishments that rarely question exercise principles dating back decades 4) establishment where vanity muscles are the main concern, not getting healthy 5) establishment where people not considered fit by Mens Health may feel uncomfortable

    Isolation movements (n) 1) movements that create zero nuero endoctrine response 2) movements that can be considered unnatural to the human body 3) a way to develop vanity muscles

  11. I say we have a classroom and do a fundraiser to get a flatscreen where u can do certs/teach and we can watch these elusive functional movements and then take it right to the floor
