
I was digging through the CFKoP photo archives and came across this one. Yes, that's Paul and Tim on the black and blue bands. Remember, don't always look at your last PR but take a look at where you were a year ago. Both gentlemen are VERY proficient kippers now, but as an inspiration for many new faces in the gym I wanted to post this pic from the early days. I would say 90% of us started on the band...practice practice practice!

W.O.D. 1.28.10
Get your boats ready...

Intermediate: 2 K Row
Advanced: 5k Row


Olympic Lifting skills practice.

Rest and Recovery.

Concept 2 Rowing Foundations Seminar.
Jason and I have signed up for this and are making the trip if anyone else is interested.

"Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
-Winston Churchill

5K Results:
Joe A 21:02
Olan 20:26
Melanie 24:12
Steve 21:16
Jen C. 21:48
Cindy 27:17
Nick 25:31
Jen S. 24:34

2K Results:
Kara 9:49
Chris T. 9:28


  1. Hi Nick! Thanks for trekking the 5k with me this am :) It actually helped motivate me because I wanted to beat you ;) haha.

  2. I was probably in the back jumping. It is truly amazing how far all of us have come in a year. Great picture Aim and a great message to send to the newer people that may be getting frustrated always using the band. Be dedicated, keep practicing and they will come. Don't be afriad to rip a few times...battle wounds build character and make the first one you get that much more enjoyable knowing that you worked hard for it and earned it.

    Re the 5k...to everyone that has never done long distance on the erg and has a desire to do so...there is strategy involved. When you start, you should not rush out of the gate, you should be at a pace that you know you can easily maintain the entire distance. As the k's get smaller, you need to know when you can increase your intensity. For me, my normal 500m is around 1:33 but when I started the 5k, I used a 2:04 split. At 3k, I tried to improve that to 2:00 split and at 1k to 1:50 and then 500m at 1:45. In doing so, I left a lot on the machine simply because I do not row long distance enough to know when I need to step on the gas. It just comes with time. Start at an average pace and continually ramp it up so ideally you finish as your tank hits zero. Good luck nooners!

  3. the progress that comes with CrossFitting is TRULY AMAZING. sharing that picture is invaluable!

  4. Awwww, memories of the FAC. Is that Doreen next to Swine? That was when it all started for me, in the lobby...

  5. Actually Jason, it looks like there's a reflection of you in your red shirt behind Tim, Swine and Doreen. I remember the bands quite well, and yes, don't be afraid to rip, it's a sign of hard work and a badge of honor.

  6. Jeff your right! It is Jason! Look how much weight you lost Jason! Incredible.

  7. Anyone still interested in an outdoor WOD this weekend?!

    Sunday, 1:00pm, at Valley Forge. It will be cold but sunny! We'll do some running, pushups, box jumps (aka rock wall jumps and picnic bench jumps), stair sprints, and other fun exercises.

    Let's meet near the covered bridge off Rt 252. If you dont know where that is, just use this link and enter your starting location:


    Please let me know if you're planning on coming! I'll gladly show up for even one person, but I'd rather not show up for 0 people! :)

  8. When I look at this picture I think of how hard it must have been for the newbies when there were no old timers to chase. We constantly use their experience to help our own progress. They had to learn from their own mistakes. We don't have to make as many mistakes because they did it first.

    Thanks guys (and gals)! You are the foundation of Crossfit KOP. I hope I never catch up to you.

  9. Nikki- I will let you know about Sunday. I may be up for an outdoor Winter WOD!
