
W.O.D. 1.24.10

Push Press

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:

1 Muscle Up*
3 Ring Dips
6 Push-ups
9 Push Press (95#/135#)

*Coaches Notes:

The intention is to go from the Muscle Up directly into the ring dips. If you do not have a Muscle up, spend time working on the skill and either sub with a jumping Muscle up or sub by working the transition from the ground or a box.

“Ultimately, being a part of a team means competing, working, living and winning and losing together. And in the end, a teammate's nationality, his language, his taste in music or his religion aren't sources of division, but in fact mediums of greater friendship, understanding and success.”

-Steve Kerr

Rx Results:
Nikki 5
Aimee 8
Kit 4
John 10

Scale Results:

Steve 5 75#
Jaime 8 60#
Kim 4 80#
Hannah 4 125# x2
Megs 6
Todd 6
Christine 8 35#
W.W. 6
Ditty 4 85#
Donkey 7 80# x2


  1. Great article in the Inquirer today about "Steve's Club" in Camden. The owner is using Crossfit to help at risk youth. You can read the article on philly.com or the old fashioned way in today's paper.

  2. He's the master behind the Paleo Kits, mike!!

  3. point of clarification: for the WOD i only used 55# for the first two rds then dropped to 45#. i wasn't sure what number you wanted us to post on the board.

    Mike F--thanks for the link...nice article.
