
CrossFit Kids out for a 400M Run.

Getting ready for Musical Med Balls!



W.O.D. 11.8.09

Complete the following allowing full recovery between rounds. These Rx weights are heavy (I know) we will scale weight according to ability (but knowing the goal is to go HEAVY). It's simple, right??? Lift something heavy, run really fast, time the entire effort and repeat.

3 Rounds:
5 thrusters, 155lbs/105lbs
2oom sprint

3 cleans (yes, squat cleans), 205lbs/115lbs
200m sprint

Are you nuts about nuts?
Click here to read Marks Daily Apple: This Is a Cringe-Free Headline about Nuts

Smooth roads never make good drivers.
Smooth sea never make good sailors.
Clear skies never make good pilots.
A problem free life never makes a strong person.
Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.

Jim C (155#) 4:26/3:38/3:41
Aimee (123/103#) 3:25/3:04/3:04
Swine (155#) 3:32/3:16/2:54
Jaime (45#) 3:44/4:25/4:00
Abbey (103#) 3:34/3:44/3:33
Han (103#) 4:22/4:48/5:13
Plentus (155#) 3:36/3:23/2:51
K-Ditty (85/75#) 4:15/4:36/4:20 (dropped to 75/75# last Rnd)
Sam (185/155#) 4:04/2:53/2:57
Lisa (Rx) 3:05/3:11/3:21
Todd (115#) 2:52/3:10/3:20
Maura (45#) 3:47/3:54/3:35
Meg (75#) 3:45/3:54/3:19
Darlene (15#) 5:22/5:16/5:23
Westwood (115#) 3:08/3:44/4:15
Joe A (Rx) 4:23/4:49/4:43
Jason (Rx) 3:57/4:48/5:33
Cate (95#) 3:03/3:03/3:36 (105# for last Rnd)
Kelsey (95#) 3:33/3:31/3:23
Jill (70#) 3:05/2:56/2:51
Laura (75#) 2:53/2:47/2:53
Nicole (70#) 3:10/3:26/3:23
Chris S (185/155#) 4:15/3:28/3:15
Fergs (185/155#) 3:14/3:20/2:48
Mike F (165/155#) 4:41/3:41/Ouchie


  1. Love the QOD (quote of the day)...te amo tu mami

  2. Stellar effort to everyone who pushed through this beast today!! Proud of each of you! Especially the determination the heavy cleans!

  3. Great job everyone. I was so impressed with Jason and Joe's effort RXing today.

    If anyone is still doing the no sugar thing, I just discovered "Agave Ketchup" at Trader Joe's. It is actually pretty good.

    Aimee, I picked up a foam roller at Dick's right after class today. Lots of "IT band pain" while watching football today.
