
Photos above from Aromas and the CrossFit Games chipper which these amazing athletes completed after 7 other WODs in two days, truly unbelievable!

W.O.D. 11.21.09

Get ready to start chipping away...

The CrossFit Games Chipper:
15 reps 100lb/155lb BB squat clean
30 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps 21"/25" box
10/15 Muscle ups
30 PushPress /PushJerk 25/40lb DBs
30 Double Unders
15 reps 95lb/135lb Thruster
30 Pullups
30 Burpees
300' OH Walking lunge with 25/45lb plate

*As with all WOD's, we will scale this to your level/ability. Reps will be cut in 1/2 for the scale version and or the BB weights will be (95#/65#/35#). Muscle up sub is pull-ups/dips x3.

Women's Chipper Heat 1 video ... [wmv] [mov]
Charity Vale had the best time for the women with 18:24.

2009 CrossFit Games: Women's Competition - video [wmv] [mov]

"Your body hears everything your mind says."
- Naomi Judd, Singer/Songwriter

Rx Results:
Aimee 20:45
Swine 32:12
Plentus 36:32

Scaled Results:
Jim 40:59
Ray 27:23
Melanie 18:42
Mike F. 45:00
Kristen S. 16:26
Beth 16:26
Jerry 33:30
Dave 25:00
Sam 23:07
Ditty 26:12
Adria 19:55
Steph 24:14
Cate 24:00
Corinne 23:13


  1. Plentus and Swine- Nice fight through the Muscle Ups!

    To everyone who attempted this beast, awesome job!

  2. I've always had respect for those firebreathers at the Games, but going through this makes it that much more, esp. since they had 7 other wods before!

  3. You smoked that thing Aimee! Outrageousness!
