
W.O.D. 10.22.09

800m Run
15 Hang Power Snatches (75#/45#)
500m Row
15 Hang Power Snatches
400m Run
15 Hang Power Snatches
250m Row
15 Hang Power Snatches

This article then visit this website for more information about exercising and CrossFitting while pregnant. Click here to check out Katherine who completed her Level 1 CrossFit cert while 21 weeks pregnant.

"Success doesn't come to you…you go to it."
-Marva Collins

Granny 16:25 Rx
Lisa 15:00 Rx
Sam 14:48 95#
Cindy 22:41
Cate 14:20
Mom 23:45 15#


  1. Alright, who's preggars?

  2. LOL Ray where did that come from? I think there may be more than one :) Definitely not me!!

  3. I am. I didn't want to tell anyone but that is why I cannot seem to make my gut any smaller. It is a miracle of science and life and I am very excited. I will need a C section for obvious reasons but they promised to hide the scar below my bikini line so no one will ever see it.

  4. I am! 24 weeks tomorrow. Although I'm sitting out on CrossFit classes during pregnancy, I have still been working out at least five days a week. I miss you all and can't wait to get back to the box once I get the all clear to start back!
    I do check the blog from time to time and am so impressed with everyone's progress over the past few months- keep up the amazing work!

  5. Jason, congrats. I'm going to call you "Seahorse" from now on.

    Danielle, I don't think we've met, but a real congrats to you.

  6. Aimee - I love the new red wall! I think it should be nicknamed the devil dog wall. Very appropriate for PU, HSPU, and wall balls :)

  7. Good job Lisa!!! Kickin some butt!!

  8. I have decided to join the world of blogging. I just have too much to say and need an outlet to get it out!!

    Check out, "Radical Hateloss"


  9. Can't agree on the devil dog wall name, Nikki, unless there are actually Drake's Devil Dogs hanging on the wall, available in all of their caloric goodness. Not a healthy food-like substance by anyone's definition, but man they taste good!

    Oh, and Jason, congratulations on your scientific miracle!

  10. Actually Nikki I personally think the name "Devil Dog Wall" is awesome. (I believe Kit will agree). Devil Dog is the nickname given to the United States Marine Corps, by the Germans, when the Marines were kicking the Germans butts in WWI (1918). We (USMC) were bailing out the French in the Battle of Belleau Wood and the Germans said that we fought like 'Dogs from Hell' roughly translated from 'Teufel Hunden'. Considering how I sometimes feel in front of that red wall....I need to reach down deep and fight like a Dog from Hell to reach my objective...

  11. nikki:

    was jerry's meaning what you were referencing? i never knew that. very interesting? if it is not what you were referencing, i only about jeff's devil dogs...what did you mean?

  12. Anyone know of a good place to buy a good pullup bar that you can use in an apartment? I'd rather buy in person than online.

  13. yes, i was referring to the marines! the red makes me think marines b/c of their flag (see top left of photo.) i spent 4 years of college being counseled on the proper way to grunt "OOH RAH" and "DEVIL DOGS!" haha - i dated an nrotc guy and alot of his friends were marines. one is actually coming to our grand opening this weekend; he can validate my story :)

  14. joe - if you're just looking for something to hang over a doorframe they have those all over - i know dicks in plymouth meeting has them; i'm guessing even the sports authority in KOP might have a few

  15. I am!! 13 weeks. and i am sure everyone already knows because i look like i'm carrying triplets!!! but i am absolutely certain there is only one baby in there. and so far, i am loving crossfitting while pregnant. i am curious to see what happens when i get really big, but i'm taking it one day at a time. so far, so good!

  16. Cate, that's awesome, congrats!

    This will be you pretty soon:

  17. Cate you rocked the WOD today so I'd say pregnancy and CrossFit go together pretty well!

  18. Thanks for the info nikki I'll check them out

  19. Cate - Congrats!!

    Joe, Target and Dick's in Metroplex def have them. I got one at Target called Iron Gym. It was 29.95. I even saw it at CVS

  20. Joe -
    The best one I've seen is called an Iron Gym & both spots Nikki mentioned do have them... pretty inexpensive and very sturdy...

  21. I love all the Mommy's!! Cate, I thought so...but I didn't want to say anything. Danielle - miss you!

  22. Cate,
    Congrats to you!! That is very exciting!
