
Open Gym Results:
Jason- Fran 5:29
Aimee- Nasty Girls 10:33
Han- Jackie 12:24
Sam- Murph 44:53
John K.- Annie 23:20
Swine- Wolverine 65:58
Jeff- Grace 7:57
Matt- 5 rds/9 Hang Squat Cleans 155#/3 Legless rope climbs 23:??

An Original WOD:
400M Run
21 Pullups
15 GHD sit ups
9 Pushups
400M Run
15 Pullups
9 GHD sit ups
21 Pushups
400M Run
9 Pullups
21 Situps
15 pushups

Trisha 19:35
Jill 19:17
Miranda 19:31
Tom 17:50


  1. Great job Swine on the Wolverine, and John K for pushing thru Annie! Well done!

  2. Thanks Jeff the wolverine is brutal. You will definately have my support when you go after it.

  3. Awesome job to everyone at last nights open gym. Great effort and amazing progress made by all who showed up for the fun! Quick reminder, next Thursday is Yoga with Jen Fugo from 6-7:30PM.

  4. Great job Swine!! Jason - how's your stomach feeling today?

  5. Swine, awesome time on Wolverine! Great job last night!
