
Delta Delta Delta and key partners are raising the nation's consciousness about the dangers of fat talk and the impact it has on women's self-esteem and confidence.

For my ladies at CFKoP you are all beautiful, strong and powerful...embrace it and let it empower what you do on a daily basis!
W.O.D. 10.14.09

Hang Power Snatch
2000M Row


We are offering Yoga this Thursday, October 15th from 6-7:30PM with Jen Fugo. $10 for CFKoP members, Non-members $15.

Sunday, October 18th from 12-4PM we are participating in the Upper Merion Fit Fest, if you would like to help with this event please let us know your availability.

Instead of beating yourself up for the 10 things you didn't do, learn to appreciate the 2 things that you did!
-Amy Robertson's facebook page....(we miss you Amy) come back soon!

Aimee 8:31
Steph 9:58 65#
Paul 7:13 130#
Sam 7:48 135#
Steve 9:11
Dave 8:19 125#
Jim 7:13 115#
Shawn 7:36 115#
Mike B. 8:17 155#
Nikki 8:59 85#
Nicole 10:10 65#
Lise 45#
Gina 9:25 50#
Todd 7:01 95#
Jill 8:41 65#
Eric 7:51 95#
Joe A. 7:44 135#
Mike F. 7:51 125#
Trisha 8:21 60#
Cheri 8:52 65#


  1. Nikki and Laura (and any other Nova alum that I might be missing), do you want to do a wod at the Nova gym Thursday afternoon/evening?

  2. I'm taking this Thursday as a rest day - and going to see Cirque du Soleil (Alegria) at Temple! Most Thursdays I'd be game though... so thanks for asking/posting!

    PS - still very impressed by your intensity at Monday's WOD. Way to push yourself with 70# and C2B!!

  3. Hey Chris, I'll do a WOD at Nova on Thursday. I can't make afternoon but can do evening. 5:30 or 6? I'll let you do the programming!

  4. perfect! (gym closes at 7 b/c it's fall break) I thought we'd wait and see what Aimee throws up on the blog, and we want to overrule it, we'll do our own! (haha, no offense Aimee! but we might not have the equipment)

    also, I do a blog for my students/parents and put up this "fat talk free week" video...also added another video from Dove about photoshopping pictures to make women "perfect"...here's the blog:


  5. Mr. P---I've got your blog all hooked up under the friends section!!!

    Over ruling the WOD??? hummm we know that's not a good thing :)

    Just don't take tips from Jen S. and turn the Lat Pulldown machine into a pullup bar??!!

  6. "Fat Talk Free Week" = 10 burpee fine for fat talk!!

  7. I strongly believe that the only way to change yourself is to start by loving and excepting yourself "as is." Us ladies can be so full of self-hatred. The whole "convential diet and exersize" thing only propogates (Sp?) the self hatred. I am starting by changing my own self image and hope someday to be able to help others (especially young gals) do the same!

  8. Mr. P - I will take the pledge and even pay in burpees if I do not succeed. I think this is a great idea. I lack self confidence and have low self esteem so this is def. going to be a challenge for me. Anyone with me on this?

  9. Fat talk is one thing, the real challenge is avoiding fat thoughts! The latter is alot harder (almost impossible?) to do... but I think it's absolutely necessary for developing self confidence and self esteem. I'm absolutely game for stopping fat talk for the week. But let's take it a step further... and challenge ourselves to really pay attention to our internal monologues, and stop fat thoughts in their track! LOL if you see me drop down and do 10 burpees for apparently no reason now you'll know why!

  10. Nikki~ now that you have up'd the bar, I may be doing A LOT of burpees.

  11. nice job trisha on your row time!! :) i wish i could have been there to see it!

  12. who is this trisha everyone speaks of?

