
The orange shirt invasion. Congrats to Nikki and Chris P. for running this weekend in the ING Philadelphia Distance Run this past weekend.

W.O.D. 9.22.09
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
(115#/75#)-pound Hang clean, 15 reps
12 Ring dips
21 Sit-ups

Bench Press

Upcoming dates:
9.26 Fight Gone Bad fundraiser
10.2 Photo Shoot 5:30 PM class
10.8 Open Gym 5-7PM $10 member or non-member
10.15 Yoga with Jen Fugo $10
10.18 Fit Fest -Upper Merion Middle School
10.24 Grand Opening Celebration

Death Race
Passionate Fitness

Did you know:
Ants can lift 20x their own body weight.

“People do not lack strength; they lack will.”
-Victor Hugo

Sam G.10 Rx
Ray 4 Rx
Swine 7 Rx
Nikki 5 Rx
Chris P. 8 Rx
Chris S. 5 Rx
John K. 4
Liz 6
Nick 5
Todd 5
Jeff 5
Miranda 6
Curtin 7
Jen S. 6
Gina 6
Mike B. 5


  1. Cindy, Kristin just showed me your blog and it's awesome! Keep the updates coming, I want to know about your road trip!

  2. I have a good friend training for the Death Race....she is an expert and chomping tree stumps, wood, and breaking drywall. If anyone needs some housework done, she needs practice, let me know!

  3. Aimee,

    Thanks for linking to Passionate Fitness. With fully customizable profiles (can even upload pictures and link to twitter!), the ability to read and submit articles, forums and more, we're hoping to be the #1 meeting place of the fitness community.

    Anyway, you have a really cool blog going on here and we appreciate your support!

    Rafi Bar-Lev
    Founder and Creator of PassionateFitness.com

  4. Ants can lift 20x their bodyweight? So can Joe!

  5. Paul,

    Kudos running the 6:30 class. Good coaching on the proper execution of the movement and correcting flaws when you saw them. You kept an eye on everybody and provided the proper motivation. Nice job.

    Sam = animal. Way to put on the clinic brother.

  6. LOL i hereby apologize to anyone who has to look at me during a WOD. I make the most ridiculous faces!! Thanks for the orange shirt shout out tho!

  7. even during the 5:30 Paul was pushing me...always a good thing!
