

W.O.D. 9.20.09
...another lady...
5 Rounds for time of:
400M Run
15 Over Head Squats (95#/65#)

"The Mechanics, the Movement, the Placement"
by Mark Rippetoe, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
-Alan Cohen

Aim 14:49 (Rx)
Swine 13:25 (Rx)
Meg 20:30 (55#)
Gina 22:25 (35#)
Mike B 19:10 (Rx)
Maura 13:12 (3Rds PVC)
Shawn 16:07 (Rx)
Brian 19:15 (65#)
Tom 19:46 (Rx)
Jason 15:37 (Rx)
Nicole 24:07 (Rx)


  1. Thanks for the "Old Guys Rule" T-Shirt Jeff. Awesome!

    Here is an "Old Guy" message for all you young'ins out there:


    "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway." ~John Wayne

  2. Awesome job folks! Did Nancy at home:

    Time 22:02 scaled.

    Started out with 65#, but my form was sloppy, so I went down to the bar (45#). Last time I started with the bar and went down to PVC, so progress is being made. Next time will be 55#.

    OHS's blow my mind. I know I am strong enough, but they kill me every time. Yet, I love them.

  3. Nicole,

    Way to fight thru all the OHS today. It was a honor to help and push you thru it. First RX in this too.

  4. Well, Crossfit works. With no extra training, I finished the Distance Run in 1:31:40 (by my watch) which is a PR by 6 minutes (you were right Cindy!)

    I wore the American flag Crossfit shirt today and around mile 3 a guy tapped me on the shoulder and said "Crossfit!" We chatted for a bit and I learned he was from Cleveland so I told him to hit us up if he was in the area again. That's why I love the Crossfit community!

  5. Chris - awesome job! You are a machine.

    With all these gourmet cooks - JZ, Aimee, Chris - I think a Crossfit KOP Top Chef contest might be in order!!

  6. Way to go on the RX Nichole!!!!!

  7. Great work on the half Nikki and Chris, I am so proud of you both!
    I was trying to figure out how to get Nancy in at the fitness center in the Greensboro hotel but couldn't come up with anything to put over my head for OHS (although I was tempted to ask the mother of a toddler at the pool if I could borrow him, he looked like he weighed about 45 pounds!!) I did air squats and 400 meter runs on the treadmill. Next road trip I'll have to throw a bar and some bumper plates in the Mini! Miss you all!!!!!
