
Upper Merion Community Fair Fun!!!!

W.O.D. 9.14.09
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500M
1 Rope Climb
10 Hang Cleans (95#/135#)

Back Squat

Thank you all for your support and help this weekend!! We have an amazing community that anyone is crazy not to be part of!!! You all make us who we are, thank you!

Chinese Proverb:
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.

Kate 95# 17:36
Chris 30# 17:43 sub rope
Dan 115# 13:49
Kevin 95# 15:49
Chris P. Rx 16:30 (BS 155)
Nikki 80# 16:50
Curtin 95# 17:05 sub rope
Jim C 95# 16:22
Mike F. 135# 19:25 sub rope
JZ 105# 20:27 (BS 155)
Patti 17:16 sub rope
Kel 18:36 sub rope
Jeff 21:26 135 rings
Paul 15:03 Rx
Laura 80# 19:56
Jen S. 65# 21:34
Kristin 80# 25:31 sub rope/rings
Joe A. 14:47 (BS 275)
Shawn 135/115 21:04
Westwood 18:39 95/80 sub rope
Todd 95# 16:56 sub rope (BS ?)
Liz 65# 18:49 sub rope
Rob ? 14:23 sub rope
Chris 135# 20:09 sub rope
Granny RX 20:00
Jill 65 17:29 sub rope

Level 2 WOD:
100 bodyweight back squats
+ 3 sets max rep dead hang pull-ups (any grip)
1 point for each squat, -10 points each time you put the bar down, +1 point for each deadhang pullup

Sam BW- 95 points
Aimee BW- 93 points
Paul 155#- 84 points
Kate BW- 85 points
Lisa 135#- 57 points
Han 145#/135/115- 10 points


  1. looks like the fair was a success! hope you guys had fun.

  2. Glad you had sun for the fair. Sorry we couldn't make it this weekend!

  3. I'm sorry I missed the move and the fair! I really wish I could have contributed more this weekend. It looks like you had great weather and a great time! First official WOD in the new box today... woo woo!

  4. Where do you want us to park?

  5. This is for all people. If you are staring at the front of the building, the entire left side could be used for parking. Pull in close to the building and go all the way up and make a 90 degree turn so your car is running parallel to DeKalb. You can fit 50 cars in there. Then you just walk in the front door. The lot is not paved yet but it will be paved in the coming month or two. Parking on the street side of the building is not necessary.

  6. Also, we have freshly poured sidewalk out front just becareful before you step :)

  7. Aren't we going to have strength components anymore?

  8. Joe- Back squat 5-5-5-5-5, sorry, thanks for keeping me on my toes! It was a bit of an insane weekend. Also I just updated results from yesterday! Thanks for bearing with me through the transition!

  9. I did 155 BS with JZ...is there another Chris P???

  10. Aimee, my time was 21:26 with 135# and ring rows as sub for rope.

  11. I subbed ring rows for rope climbs as well.

  12. Thanks Chris statistical abberration no doubt

  13. Granny.

    Check your time again

  14. Hi I was checking the blog and didn't see my name or time..... I had a time of 17:16 with ring pull ups instead of the rope climb.
