
Dinner Day 1, oh look the elusive tomato!!!
No Sugar breakfast Day 1.
Egg Omelet with Spinach
Almond butter
It's 3...2...1...go on the first day of the No Sugar Challenge, are you ready? I know, it's only 9:30AM, but how are you feeling? Are you excited about the challenge and eager with anticipation at the thought of eating clean for a month! I know I am...
Post to comments what you are eating? feeling?


  1. 3 egg omelet with cheese, tangerine, black coffee

    pretty typical bfast so not feeling any different...I think the challenge will come this Labor Day and sitting in an office where people like to bake cookies and cakes and bring them in!

  2. I ate an apple with almond butter as breakfast today too! I had cottage cheese as my protein though, since I decided to sleep verse make eggs for breakfast.

  3. Breakfast: Plain oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries, cup of black coffee.

    About to eat lunch: Spinach salad with tomatoes, broccoli and a can of Tuna (in water) with lemon and lime for a dressing and an apple.

  4. Is that not the world's smallest tomato???

  5. Day #1 without cereal. Insert sad face.
    I had an apple with all natural peanut butter and 2 hardboiled eggs.

    I actually had fun grocery shopping last night. My fiance is not too thrilled with the new contents of our refridgerator, however.
    I'm ready to go!

  6. Why is everyone is making fun of my lil tomato??????????

  7. Nicole good call

    maybe the tomato is regular sized and everything else is GIANT

  8. LOL seriously I would need like 50 to fill me up!

  9. Breakfast today.... "Nothing"
    Burn Fat Burn!!!
    Then 3 x 5 Hang Power Cleans followed by a small metcon...
    Then I ate Scrambled eggs and sausage with a protein shake and raw milk chaser. Oh, and a very small apple... almost as small as Aimee's tomato!

  10. 3 meals down so far today:
    #1 - 2 eggs, banana, 1T peanut butter
    #2 - 2oz buffalo jerky, 12 almonds, apple
    #3 - 2oz turkey coldcuts, 2 carrots, 1 cucumber, 2T hummus, 7 flaxseed corn chips

    plans for rest of day:
    #4 - icelandic yogurt (plain) w/ 2T coconut and a nectarine
    #5 - chicken breast and zucchini cooked in olive oil! (or if I'm lazy, a strawberry protein shake with some nuts!)

  11. Nikki,
    DONT BE LAZY!!! besides thats not in the crossfit vocabulary

    Mike F,
    Hope you got my e-mail earlier today.

    For those of you eating peanuts and peanut butter, be aware these are not Paleo, infact they are not classified as nuts.. they are beans! Switch to almond butter if you can.

  12. i knew pb wasn't paleo, but i never knew why. it's a bean?!? well crap they should call it peabean butter then! j/k - i actually have both almond butter ahd pb in my fridge and alternate back and forth. i guess for this month i'll go all almond butter! (i'm not trying to be strict paleo as you can tell but pb is a sacrifice i can make!)

  13. I like to call them "legumes" (accent on the ume)

  14. Nikki - do you use a protein powder?

  15. what about when the ingredients on the label of my peanut butter jar says "peanuts"...and it's the only ingredient listed?

    Is it still a bean??

  16. Meg - I have a whey protein powder that I use. It's not an every-day thing, but I use it as one of many options to get enough protein in my diet. I'm sure there will be many opinions on this... but my staple powder is the vanilla Gold Standard whey protein. I get it at the Vitamin Shoppe in Bryn Mawr. (On hot summer days my favorite post-workout food/beverage is a strawberry shake -- blend 1 c. frozen strawberries, 1 c. water, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder - about 25g protein.)

  17. Thanks, Nikki! I know its not preferred but sometimes its the only way to get enough! I just hate when you buy one and it tastes like JUNK!! :)

  18. Jen S. Afraid so. Not a nut anyway you grind it, slice it, dice it, or chop it.

  19. scrambled eggs with lots of veggies and ham, side of bacon, and an orange.

    Today we went back out to the range to shoot some M249's, 203 grenade launchers, and AT-4 rocket launchers...and with the Sugar Challenge in mind while firing these awesome weapons I immediately realized that my 100% participation will be essentially impossible. Our MRE's have a lot of sugar in them with the snacks that they provide. The good thin is we get to take apart our MRE's before we got to the field and take what we want with us.

    SO HERE IS MY QUESTIONS TO YOU: What do you guys suggest (besides the Paleo kits -my shipment arrived today) that I could take to the field with me that is highly nutritious, no unnatural sugar, and easily packable in a big overnight camping pack or a day pack??

  20. Kit,
    Here's a suggestion...keeping in mind that I'm not fully aware of yor situation. Dried unsweetened coconut is an awsome quick energy source,any kind of nuts and some jerky,you could even mix in some dried fruit (no sugar added of course) kinda like makin your own paleo kit. For the energy that your gonna be spending in the feild all day, I would shoot for the high fat and protein mix.

  21. 2 hard boiled eggs. Tossed one yolk. Coffee and filtered water.

    Handful of almonds and some Wild Bill's jerky for lunch. Water.

    Organic turkey burgers minus the buns, and some organic asparagus. More water.

    WOD at home.

    Here is an awesome site to add to the nutrition page:


  22. evan you'll be pleased to know i cooked the chicken and zucchini. it was definitely the way to go!

  23. Nikki, where do you get buffalo jerky?

  24. Mike - Evan gets the buffalo jerky from a farm...one thing is for sure it didn't last very long at my house.

  25. if that tomato doesn't appear at every meal from now on, you're really going to disappoint Nicole

  26. Chris, Maybe I should start hiding it under the other food items so it's like a Where's Waldo for Nicole??? Thoughts?

  27. Kit,

    Kippered snacks like sardines. Bottle of Tabasco is mandatory. Also, seeing as all Marines are warriors from the sea like our Viking predecessors, then pickled herring or vacuum packed smoked fish might also be on the menu.

    Also, those Starkist packets of salmon and tuna are easy to pack and loaded with good fats and protein.

    If you really have a set, then carry a tube of Vegemite like our Australian brothers in arms. It is standard issue for them. Packed with nutrition and essential vitamins, with no added sugar. It comes in jars or tubes like toothpaste. You have to buy it online from sites that sell Australian products. I will warn you that it is an acquired taste, but I love the stuff.

  28. Here is a link to Vegemite:


  29. thanks for the wise words on the chow ("food" in Marine speak). I'll take you guys up on it

  30. I started my challenge at midnight since I was at work. I did well with eating fruit, grilled chicken, lettuce and 1 peanut butter cracker. I didn't have any coffee or sweet snacks like I usually do. I was wondering about frozen meals that I buy for work. Healthy choice, weight watchers? Can I have any with the zone plan?

  31. Trader Joes has some very lean beef, turkey, and buffalo jerky. It's flavored so not as good as the stuff Evan gets!
