
The weekend.
A few great things happened this weekend. Thank you to all that were part of and made this an amazing weekend!
One, we signed a new lease for a bigger and better space. CrossFit King of Prussia will be moving into 8,000 square feet. That's a little over 5 times the size of our current box!!! We will keep you posted on a move date and details.
Two, Mike from CF Gotham gave us an awesome seminar on Olympic Lifting (thanks Mike!!!), let's put some of that to use in our WOD for 8.3.09!
Three, we had a Personal Defense Readiness Seminar with Jason Dury who is a Level 2 PDR & S.P.E.A.R. systems coach and Steve Wakefoose of Providence Combatives who is a PDR & S.P.E.A.R. systems coach. Both men hold multiple certifications under world-renowned self-defense expert Tony Blauer. A HUGE thank you, because I know all who attended walked away with a great knowledge of self defense and far more confidence.

W.O.D. 8.3.09
Front Squat
*warm up with about 75% of your Front Squat for 2 sets of 5 before going for your 3 Rep Max.

“Everyone has a 'risk muscle.' You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don't, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day.”
-Roger Von Oech
Aimee: 150
Jason: 240
Swine: 180
Jon: 175x1
Miranda: 145x1
Mike F: 260
Charlie: 245
Jim C: 195
Jeff: 180x1
Mike B: 270
Tracey: 95
Liz: 85x1
Shawn: 225
Steph: 150x1
Kristin: 105
Lisa: 145
Laura: 90
Kuku: 70
Chuchu: 205
Han: 135
Tim P: 200
Sam: 235
Devil: 195
Nick: 145?
Maggie: 70
Nicole: 125x1
Chris S: 225x2
Joe: 275x2
Jen S: 115


  1. Front squats

    225# (pr by 10#)

    then high rep deadlifts
    135# x 30
    135# x 20
    135# x 10

    day 8 of burpee challenge

  2. Day 8 of pull up challenge before a 3 mile run and 100 kettle bell swings

    Nice day for some pull ups

  3. Brigantine Sprint Triathlon:
    1/4m SWIM, 12m BIKE, 3.1m RUN

    Laura P: 1hr 19min- PR'd by a minute this year coming in 162'nd place out of 635 competitors. Very strong on the bay swim, really getting used to the bike.

    Tim P: 1hr 13min- PR'd by 3min this year coming into 80th. Much improved on the swim, and felt stronger (endurance) from previous years on this course.

    Both T1(swim-bike) and T2(bike-run) times were very efficient too)

  4. Did this today:

    4-3-2-1 track jogs w/10 jumping jacks in b/w each
    5 Rounds
    500m row
    15 SDHP
    5 burpees
    10 push-ups
    repeat 4-3-2-1 jogs w/jumping jacks

    + burpee challenge

  5. Laura P. 7th in your age group and Tim P. 5th in your age group? awesome job!

  6. Congrats Laura and Tim! Awesome times...you two Rock!

  7. I only got 275 for 1 not two no PR today.

  8. Laura and Tim-Great job! Glad to see the improvements!

  9. Congrats Tim and Laura!! Those are awesome times!

    8/3/09 - Day 8 of DU and pushups. For time completed 3 rounds of 20 DU, 20 thrusters w/ 20# DB (40# tot), 20 pushups. Time: 11:59. My arms were jelly!

  10. Great work Laura and Tim, congratulations!
