

W.O.D. 8.14.09

Hopper deck challenge.
It's been awhile, the deck is shuffled and ready. Each member of the class gets to pick a card, you can do the WOD you select or team up with another athlete and perform the WOD on the card they selected or decide as a group which WOD (from the cards selected) to perform as a class.


From Coach Burgerner, advice for the post-40 crowd from the Affiliate blog yesterday:
do what you can with what you have where you are at!!! at 63 we do the "OLD MAN WORKOUTS" at mikes gym! the commitment to keep moving and stay dedicated is the key! we scale our workouts to fit the crossfit protocol and we work hard. when we need to recover, we recover. the body knows what to do. REMEMBER: AT LEAST one time a day have a YAHOO moment!!!


  1. Coach B is the man. I could tell he was a Jarhead right off the bat. No mistaking the swagger.

  2. Hey everybody, just wanna say hi... and i miss the box.

    Tim, Paul: congrats on the Level 1. I'm wait-listed for the one in MD right now.

    Joe and I got together last night to do some CFing (well, it was more like Performance Menu-ing) at Victory Sports in State College:

    Power Clean - 3 rep max
    Squat - 3 rep max (Joe only)

    3 rds, 21-15-9:
    double unders
    k-bell swing
    GHD back extensions

    Did you guys get the GHDs yet? That will be a nice addition.

    Have a good weekend everyone and if you're ever in state college and jonesing for a workout: ggdillon AT gmail.com

  3. Glad to see you are getting a cert Doug. Awesome work and we will look forward to a group outing to the newest box in State College.

    We did get the GHD's, they were put together on Wednesday I think. We also ordered another set of rings and 2 more climbing ropes for the new place. Barbells and Bumpers are back on the top of the list.

    Glad to see all is well. We are having a mat campaign and Swine is going to buy one in your honor and paint rainbows, unicorns, and flowers on it. He hopes you like it. lol.

  4. Great advice for the post-40 year olds. :)

  5. Although I am well over 40, somehow the thought of the Old Man Workout is not yet appealing. Very inspirational to see the article, looking forward to still doing CrossFit when I actually get old. And for those who think over 40 IS old, tell that to Aimee, who does not let me, Ray and Cindy scale kettlebells or most other things anymore!!!

    Oh, and Doug: good luck on your cert, we miss you. When willl you open CrossFit Kumbaya in Happy Valley?

  6. Lookin just a little intense there Tim......like Leonidas getting ready to throw his spear at Xerxes!
