
CrossFit KoP MAT THE BOX Campaign
-own a part of the new CrossFit KoP Box!!!

As most of you are aware we will be moving into an 8,000 sq foot facility (a little over 5 times our current space)...that's sure alot of mats!!

We pride our self in trying to bring you the best equipment and facility...and now you can help us do this. Become a permanent part of they gym by buying a Mat! You will have the opportunity to put your name, someone's name, a catchy slogan, your favorite CrossFit WOD, Mantra...anything you see fit on your mat. MAT THE BOX to excellence by purchasing a personalized Mat for $40.


  1. There is something interesting about owning a mat at the new box. Count me in for one!

  2. i think that this is interesting. i must say it is yet another brain child of jason w.

    i think i will try to draw a picture of fat me on mine. for those of you curious just how fat...you wait and see.

    that or i will write in silver sharpie, "i hate muscle-ups and every workout they are in :)"

  3. i'm impressed... very creative and a great idea! i'd love to help mat the new gym. count me in! i'm going to make mine in honor of swine, and draw white handprints all over it. (hehehe, just kidding swine!)

  4. Jim C. had a great idea too...to actually market it to local business...

  5. My dad is a local business and I'd bet he'd be down to get one.
    Although, his would read 'Bernard S. Gutkowski Funeral Home'.
    :) Could be good motivation...you know how we sometimes think we're dying during a workout and all...
    haha. ;)

    And JZ and I could probably get ZH in on this...

  6. i think the local business thing is kinda stupid if you want my honest opinion. opening it to the gym members makes it feel like home and makes it feel like ours, making your box a living billboard for local businesses is selling out in my opinion, definitely not crossfit. if i had a vote, i would definitely vote no.

  7. What, you don't want to be down on the floor doing pushups staring at an ad for a funeral home?!

  8. my dad and i will take one or so

  9. if the funeral was the only ad in there, i'd be down for the that...otherwise, I'm with jason. Y'all started as a family, stay as a family. I will also be donating the appropriate service flag(s)....even though there really is only one armed service, and the rest are just support. I'm sure Ray and Scott can agree from personal experience.

  10. Put Jeff and I down for one each. I'm thinking that mine might have my favorite Monty Python phrase ... "I'm not dead yet" on it. Might be pretty funny to put it next to the one for Kelly's dad's funeral home!! :-)

  11. I think if the businesses are family owned by people who go to the box its great, because they are part of the extended family and community and I want to support local businesses...after kelly's post, I was cracking up!!! So I can't wait to see the mat! Thank you all for the support. Its gonna be awesome!

  12. Funeral home or not...I'm in. Running is like death for me, so if you choose the no business thing, I can incorporate that on mine somehow.
    There ya go - best of both worlds. ;)

  13. I'm in for one...I will need a little place of my own to sweat while I'm loosing all the baby weight in the spring!

  14. Id take one too I think Id go with my favorite quote:

    Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and curse the Marines; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.
    You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
    Col. Nathan R. Jessep

    Or just a picture of my smiling face would do.

  15. Im down for a few flags as well Kit. I can get a hold of a few

  16. Obviously count me in for atleast one mat! Does it mean that all burpees must be done on your own
    5x5 mat? :-) I am now reserving my place infront of 3 Fans!!!!

  17. New idea!!! So we have a great big new space and all great new spaces need great things on the wall to attract newcomers and to give the space a homey feel. Well I propose that when you buy a mat, you also receive a 2'x2' mat that you can decorate any which way you see fit. We will collect these mats and use that as artwork around the gym. We could hang them in the gym or in the front reception area. I think it is a great solution which maintains the appearance of the actual gym floor so it does not get too busy or fade away with wear and washing and it also allows each of us to express ourselves in a way that everyone else can see. What does everyone think?

  18. I would also like to buy a mat. Count me in as well.
