
Coach Jason.
W.O.D. 8.09.09
Dual Modality ~ WM
For time:
15 Power Cleans [95/135]
50 D/U
12 Power Cleans
40 D/U
9 Power Cleans
30 D/U
6 Power Cleans
20 D/U
3 Power Cleans
10 D/U

Fixing the Basic Bounce, Part 1, Buddy Lee...[wmv][mov]
Fixing the Basic Bounce, Part 2, Buddy Lee...[wmv][mov]

There will be no CrossFit Kids class today.

"Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best."

Jason 8:56 Rx
Chris P 15:40 Rx
Chris S. 21:35 Rx
Devin 12:23 Rx
Jim C. 16:32 Rx
Lisa 9:51 Rx
Jason W. 12:54 (155)
Kristin 14:50 (60)
Meg 12:45 (65)
Todd 16:16 (115)
Jeff 18:58 (115)
Trisha 12:25 (45)
Liz 14:52 (55)
Nikki 10:39 (85)
Nicole 24:55 (80)
Laura 16:53 (70)


  1. ahhh..I thought it was going to be clean and jerks and du's...oh well, this will still be a doozy!

  2. Did this at home today:

    3X12 220# Bench Press
    3X10 35# KB Shoulder Press
    100 Sit Ups
    2K Row in 7:22

    Pretty sure that is a new 2K Row PR. I then calculated my estimated VO2max using the Concept 2 web site calculation using best 2K row time, bodyweight, and age. With that row time my VO2max is 47.13 where greater than 45 is considered "excellent". This time last year my time was 8:30 and VO2max was in the "average" range. Yeah, CrossFit works!


  3. I did today's WOD in quantico...following a nice long night in virginia beach...whoops. Well needless to say that round of 12 kicked my butttttt. Came through with a solid time of 16:34. Jason, nice work, you kicked my ass.

  4. i need to give nicole some love today. your form was SOLID! it was the best I have seen it. you had on a decent weight and your back did not round once. it did not even come close to rounding once. it was absolutely awesome. good job!

  5. i think it is possible to do this in 6 minutes. i will try it again at the next open gym.

  6. Thanks Jason!!! That was a tough one!
