
The CrossFit Games Affiliate Cup.
Ariel view taken by our new friend Dave Re.

W.O.D. 7.15.09
A Team WOD
(in the spirit of the Games)
30 Wallballs (20lbs/14lbs)
Row 300m
30 Box jumps (24")
30 KB swings (24kg/16kg)
30 DB Push press / Push jerk (40lbs/25lb)
30 Deadlifts (225lbs/135lbs)

We will select teams based on class size...
1. The wallballs are performed one athlete at a time. When all "four" athletes (in the CF Games there were two men and two women) have completed the wallballs, they move on together as a team.
2. The middle four drills are then performed together in "Annie R U Ok?" format, meaning all four team members start at different stations at the same time. They rotate in the order listed once all four athletes have completed the rowing and reps. When all four athletes have completed all four drills, they move together to the deadlifts.
3. The barbell will be pre-loaded with 225lbs. Both men will perform 30 deadlifts each, and then the team will be responsible for removing 90lbs. Both women will then perform 30 deadlifts each, and the clock stops.
4. There was a 20min cap on this workout at the CF Games, but we will make it 30 minutes to insure all can finish in the allotted time. Scaling will be allowed for our WOD based on set standard by your coach.

[Bleep!!!] that hurts! By Caitlin Hagan
Why swearing might be good for CrossFit? You decide!?

A Games Competitor:
I had the honor of meeting one of the maybe lesser know CrossFit Games competitors this weekend; Charlie Dunifer. Click here to read a great article regarding Charlie's road to the Games. You all might remember Charlie from the burpee mile which I posted a few months ago...or from the Games Page, since Charlie's coach Brian Yoak was featured on the CF Games page...

The Burpee Mile, Charlie Dunifer, SPC CrossFit ...[wmv][mov]

"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision."
-Muhammad Ali

(teams were scaled with a variety of people, weights and we even added some burpees for extra team members)
6AM Team 1 34:05
6AM Team 2 22:08
12PM Team 3 31:36
12PM Team 4 32:36
5:15PM Team 5 33:06
5:15PM Team 6 30:05


  1. you have another photographer friend named dave? not cool aim, not cool ;)

  2. now now Dave..we know you are the king, but you weren't in Aromas, let's get some more shots to HQ and I'm sure you will have a gig :) you coming to noon class tomorrow?

  3. you should have packed me. I fit in a carryon.

    Yup I'll be there :)

  4. kahlipa is a freaking stud! any guy who can finish the run almost dead last and then have the audacity to finish the games in 5th place. whoa. i love big muscles and slow runners! :) can't wait for some pics aim!

  5. I just posted my I heart Tanya Wagner blog...I'll work up a good one for Khalipa for you and Mike M.!!! Not to worry gentlemen I have some lovley pics of Jolie too!
