
The turn out last night for the Yoga class was great!
What did you think? Hard? Easy? Fun? Relaxing? Would you change anything? Who would be interested in another one? Would it be something you would like once a month? twice a month?
Post thoughts to comments.


  1. Wish I could have made it. I think 2 x a month would be nice on a Thursday evening. Eveyone can benefit from yoga.

  2. I was bummed i missed it too! I would like to try it out, maybe once or twice a month, doesn't have to be thursday though.

    I may be alone in this one, but i would actually prefer an after work WOD on Thursday b/c then i would actually be able to make it more regularly!!

  3. I thought it was a great addition and would love to see it at least twice a month to start. Thursday night worked well too. The class was great. It was well paced, not too hard, not too easy. Just right for me!

  4. CP, I have a scheduled personal with Aimee on Sunday at 12 if you would like to join. Just let me know. A few of our friends will be there too.

  5. I second for an after work WOD on Thursdays! :)

  6. i wish i would have been able to make it last night too. if there is yoga again i will do my best to attend :)

  7. Do they allow old jarheads to do Yoga?

  8. Shiner truly enjoyed it, if that helps at all :-)

  9. Definitely interested in 2x/month if not more. It was great, very relaxing but challenging as well. And since Shiner liked it, more classes should definitely be held.

  10. Thanks Miranda! I am able to make the 10 on Sunday so i think i'm going to just do that, but you are the best and thanks for the offer :)

  11. I'd do yoga one-two times a month but would prefer a more challenging class...if its the same level as it was last week I would probably pass.
