
Our CFKids learning the "inch-worm"
Our CrossFit Kids classes are held 4:45PM on Tuesdays and 11:00AM on Sundays.

W.O.D. 6.16.09
Complete the following for time:
SDLHP x 25 [W:65lbs/M:95lbs]
Run x 400-M
Burpees x 25
Row x 750-M
Burpees x 25
Run x 400-M


You cannot achieve environmental security and human development without addressing the basic issues of health and nutrition.
-Gro H. Brundtland

Scott 9:52
Tim P. 10:29
Swine 11:03
Aimee 11:14
Erin 35# 11:40
Granny 12:01
Doug 12:33
Jon 12:57
Jason 13:08
Jeff 13:11
Nikki 55# 13:28
Lisa 13:45
Devin 13:51
Amy 35# 14:11
Jen S. 55# 14:31
Jim 14:51
Hannah 14:54
Jill 15:14
Miranda 15:15
Curin 16:31
Tim M. 16:59


  1. This looks like good times!

  2. jill - i agree! i'm supposed to do a run today but i might have to skip it and give this a try instead! it looks brutal

  3. So glad I did 4 days in a row, today is a rest day. :)

  4. i'm glad they don't need me at work tonight, so now i can rock this awesome wod!! woo! aim, you know just what i like!

  5. the 2 things i love most in 1 workout.....burpees and running! cant wait :)

  6. Am I sensing some sarcasm...I know how fond everyone is of these exercises!!! Should be a good one!

  7. Lots of sarcasm today - looks like I'm going to miss this one since I haven't left work yet...happy running guys :)

  8. Being able to do these things is a gift. It's the only way to think about it, and it is a fact.

  9. did today's wod at the trusty ole Merck gym... 14.44... i'm not sure which is more frustrating the hill at kop or waiting for treadmills to warm up... oh wait def the hill :-) good luck everyone
