

W.O.D. 6.18.09

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
(compare to 3.6.09)

Josh Everett on 2009 CrossFit Games Regional Qualifiers - video [wmv] [mov]

"Opportunities to find deeper powers
within ourselves come when life seems most challenging."
-Joseph Campbell
Tim P: 22
Sam: 22
Paul: 23
Meg: 18 (blue)
Laura: 17
Adam: 20


  1. I know I should stop being surprised, but I've seen some really impressive, gutsy performances over the last few days: I missed Scott and Tim on the run-burpee-row-burpee WOD but those were fantastic times and I wish I had been there, Hannah and Jen on Karen were like machines last night, and today's numbers for Cindy (argh, I missed my all time favorite!) are amazing. Even that bull Joe found some extra intensity on the 5 round barbell WOD the other day, too. Keep up the great work everyone. It took me years of CFing on my own to find this intensity, so seeing the progress everyone is making is inspiring.

    But it's not the old-timers and top performers I'm most impressed with. Sorry, I expect that from you guys (and gals), and sometimes you make it look easy when you're completely recovered while everyone else is grunting away. It's some of the new members and others who aren't necessarily top performers (yet!) but who lay it on the line everyday.

    Kelly and Patty yesterday had fantastic times for their first Karen's and pushed hard and earned every second of it. I was blown away.

    Chris, too, was like a raging bull beside me when I was wall-balling. It pushed me harder than I thought possible.

    Miranda, it obvious to me that lots of pull-ups and handstands are right around the corner for you. You're about to breakthrough.

    Jon, everytime you strap on those oly shoes and pick up a barbell, I know I'm in for a treat because you always go 100%.

    These types of efforts motivate and help all of us to get the last few reps or take a few less breaths or nail the full ROM with every rep, every time. Together, your individual performances are raising everyone's efforts are helping us achieve our goals way more quickly than we could alone. So, keep it up, I need all the help I can get!

    I know, long post, I can't believe you read all of it, but screw it. It's been a good week at the gym, let's crush it tommorrow and earn a few rainy-weekend beers and relaxation.

  2. Doug~thanks for the kind words. We have all come a long way. Props to Hannah for killing that WOD last night also Jon who shed 9min off of his time from February. Strong work from everyone last night. I will keep practicing on that damn bar till my hands bleed! I refuse to give up!

  3. Hey Doug,
    Thanks so much for the nice words...and for all the encouragement last night during Karen. It helped ALOT and it's awesome to hear today!

  4. Thanks Doug. It was a pleasure wall-balling next to you. You have a real good motor (as do a bunch of people in there). I look forward to getting in some better cardio shape and keep on trying to take a step forward. I think it is going to be a wet weekend which should leave time for a little R & R and a couple of beers. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. Doug way to be a build up others man,thats the crossfit spirit. I aspire to do what you do on the pullup bars man.

  6. Thanks Doug! It is people like you, and everyone else at CF KOP that push me to get through the workouts each day.

  7. wow doug, thanks...ur top notch!
