
Welcome our first CrossFit KoP baby into the world, Mary Kate.
Congratulations to Mike and Gina!!!!
Mary Kate was born on Saturday May 23, 7lbs 8oz, 21" inches long.

W.O.D. 5.26.09
5 Rounds for time of:
400M Run
23 Burpees (in honor of Mary Kate)

CrossFit Heros - video [wmv] [mov]

Coach Notes:
I want to congratulate and thank everyone who came out for the Trevor Win'E Memorial Day Challenge, and acknowledge the amazing effort to all who endured Painstorm #12 "The Olympic Bar Mile." Not to mention the 8 individuals who accomplished both WOD's today! I will post photos, details and results from the WOD's tomorrow.

"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't."
-Henry Ford

from FRAN tonight's actual WOD...just to keep you all on your toes!
Scott Rxd 7:19
Doug Rxd 5:35
Joe Rxd 10:31
Sam Rxd 5:51
Chris Rxd 13:23
Paul Rxd 6:13 (next time have a snack pre-WOD...please)
Jon 80# 9:08
Nikki 55# 11:58
Jeff 80# 10:32
Randi 45# 9:42
Jen S. 50# (greenband) 10:04
Curin 65# (blackband) 10:57
Jill 55# (blueband) 9:55
Nicole 65# (dentalfloss) 11:05
Jen B. 50# (greenband) 11:00


  1. Congrats Mike & Gina. She's a cutey!

  2. congratulations Mike and Gina! That's a gorgeous little girl, and you're gonna have an absolute blast over the next few years, I promise.

  3. Congratulations Mike and Gina!

  4. mary kate is beautiful! congrats mike! can't wait to see you back at the box!

    sore back again today...may need an off day. blah.

    hope everyone got home safe after yesterday's partay!

  5. She is a cutie!! Soon she'll be doing her first kipping pull up, right?? ;)

    Sorry I couldn't make it out yesterday! I wish I could have been at the WODs and festivities!

    Are we running in the rain?

  6. Congrats Mike!!!

    Umm Aimee seriously, this wod looks awful! Its everything that I hate in one wod! I have to come damn it I drank too much beer this weekend and need to work it off! YUCK!

  7. Congrats Mike! She looks adorable! Just remember, Crossfit KOP is a certified Crossfit Kids Affiliate. Do you think it is tooo early for her to start Aimee?

  8. congrats mike!

    everyone needs to remember that crossfit is constantly varied and we need to continually focus on expanding our confort zone. at times that may mean running in the cold, the rain, the snow. just because it may rain, we cannot think we won't do something.

  9. Congratulations Mike and Gina!

  10. Jon- Never too early right? Well...maybe we will let Mary Kate get acclimated to the world for 3 years before we start her in the CrossFit Kids preschool class.

    Jen S.- See you tonight, rain or shine!

    Nicole- Seriously :-)

  11. congrats Mike!

    Did this one at home with 40 lb weighted vest for the runs, 20:19...plus it was raining which made it that much more fun!

  12. as many of you have found out. the message i left before was not intended to be mean in any way. it was intended to show you that you never really know what you are going to get when you show up.

    peace and love jen s. lol.

  13. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. My wife was touched by the response from the Crossfit KOP gang. I told her, "This is not some average gym were everyone is just an anonymous member. This is really a family." I am already working out Mary Kate's arms and legs getting her ready for when she can do Crossfit Kids WODs. I will be back to the box tomorrow. Thanks again, you are the best.
    Mike, Gina and Mary Kate

  14. Big thanks to Nikki for being my knight in shining armor with the apple to safe my sorry but from passing out. That was the best tasting apple I ever had.

  15. Congrats Mike, Gina, and Welcome Mary Kate. I love the picture and that she's representing crossfit kop already!
    Great work on FRAN today guys, I did a warm up and the 13,12,11...1 Burpee/Push Up away WOD with a sad time of 12:11, and it was painful the whole way. I can't imagine what thrusters would have felt like tonight!

  16. Aw man, I missed Fran again! However, my body is saying, "Thank God you simple ass."

    Maybe next time Fran.

  17. A couple of things...Paul if you ever don't eat again I'm gonna..._______!

    Joe and Sam- If you can get that kip down you will both be unstoppable!

    Doug- Way to rock that butterfly...no stopping next time on the Thrusters! I know your love affair with thrusters though!

    Nikki- Way to kip girl!

    Nicole- Get rid of that dental floss next WOD!

    Chris-way to work through to the end!

    Curin and Jen B.-Glad you got meet one of our leading ladies!

    Randi- Welcome to our family, it's a little colder up north than in FLA...but you will adjust! It's always warm after about a minute into a WOD!

    To everyone else who missed FRAN do to their dislike of running...hummmm!! Maybe next time you will come, rain or shine/met-con or strength? And remember Open gym this Thursday from 5:00 to 6:30.

  18. You're welcome Paul! I'm glad I could help!
