
Welcome Kit.
Kit is joining us for a few weeks between his graduation from the Naval Academy and entry into the Marines as 2nd Lieutenant.

W.O.D. 5.07.09
3 Bars of Strength
rep rounds of:
Over Head Squat 3/4 Body Weight (BW)
Clean and Jerk 3/4 BW
Power Snatch 1/2 BW

*Scale if necessary.

Candace Hamilton, 2009 CrossFit Games NorCal Regional Qualifiers - video [wmv] [mov]
Overhead Squatting Safely...[wmv][mov]
Power Snatch...[wmv][mov]
Clean & Jerk...[wmv] [mov] [wmv2]

Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.
-John F. Kennedy

Lisa, Sam, Hannah, Kit, Granny and Danielle--Strong work today.


  1. I have the ugliest bruises on my forearms from the DU! I look like I got beat up!

  2. Doug, when you did the bear as a metcon, how much weight did you do that at.

    was this wod done for time this morning...those ohs don't look fun

  3. Great job guys, sorry I missed it this morning!

  4. We didn't do it for time based on the amount of people in the class and having to switch weight.

  5. Mike I used 135lbs for the bear as metcon. for amrap:10. That was a good weight, but I also did a more 'oly'-like complex with full squat clean, split jerk, back squat, push press. Forgot about the front squat.

    sorry I missed this one. I'll have to make this up. I miss Linda, it's been a long, long time.

    yesterday at CFUSA, supposed to be an attempt at mental training/breathing discipline day.
    For max reps (NOT time) but with absolutely no pauses, breaks, extra breaths, hesitations, resetting grip, checking clock or any other F'n excuse to break the rhythm once an exercise was started, just non-stop motion at the natural pace:
    burpees, 30
    95lb thrusters, 12 (weak!)
    wall balls, 28
    35 d-bell walking lunge, 21
    24kg k-bell swing, 33
    box jumps, ~25", 40

    then 24kg K-bell swing breathing ladder, up to 11 rounds and back to one again. Should've went higher, maybe 13 or 15. Interesting concept.

  6. Did Annie in the drive way - 9:41...would've made up a lot of time if I had something to hold my feet for sit ups

  7. i enjoy heavy days...but this was rough. put some more of these wod's together aim, it was a nice slap in the face. heavy snatch and ohs need some practice. :D
    gone until monday! have a great weekend everyone!

  8. Good stuff Doug, I like the mental training/breathing discipline day, great concept.

    Han-Yes, based on the look of some of the Snatches this morning we are devoting a full class to the Snatch next week.

  9. doug:

    what was the rest time between movements? finish burpees and then right into thursters or do you get a few minutes. i LOVE that workout. can't wait to try it.

  10. Aimee, I don't that run is happening today. As you can see by my face in the picture, that what it looks like everytime I get up.

    Great workout this morning though. Big kick in the pants on that first set of 10 ohs.

    Thanks for the props too! Cant believe my face made it on a webpage besides Facebook.

  11. And yes, i did drop a word from that first sentence....clearly its the fatigue....yeah, something like that

  12. Jason, i took full recovery between exercises. Honestly, though, it might be better to just set a rest time, like 1:00 or 2:00. I took at least 4:00 rest and it was too long. I felt like a bodybuilder in a CF gym... all that sitting around. Most exercises i quit around 1:10, which was curious. Any idea if that correlates or says anything specific about my, say, glycolitic pathtway?

    Anyway, today: run 2.0 miles in farm park, focusing on breathing again: 13:52.

  13. OoooooRah, Kit!! Semper Fi, brother.

    Always good to see a fellow Devil Dog in the house.

    We need to get the rest of these folks in the Corps as well. They all definitely pack the gear. I would go into battle with every one of them, ladies and gents included.

  14. Ray, I keep hearing I joined a great family. In the three workouts I've done so far, they've been nothing but amazing and they put out like good Marines would.

    I'm stoked to be joining the Corps as well. Its going to be a great ride.

    Looking forward to sweating it out with you in the near future.

    Semper Fi
