
Extended CrossFit Family.
Above are some pictures from my trip to Brand X for the CrossFit Kids Certification, in the top photo are our friends from CrossFit Odyssey located in VA Beach and the bottom photo is from CrossFit East County located in La Mesa, CA.

I know I've spoken to a few of you and told you about the my amazing trip to California, the wealth of knowledge gained at the CrossFit Kids Certification and the outstanding people I came in contact with (pictured above are just a few of them)...but what has your experience been when traveling, have you visited other CrossFit Boxes? Are they what you expected? Has a CrossFitter ever gone out of his/her way to help you...?

W.O.D. 5.20.09

3 rounds for time:
10 kettlebell swings (35#/55#)
30 Push Press (45#/65#)
50 Squats
70 Double Unders
*scale weight as needed.

CrossFit South Brooklyn makes a case for structuring more periodization into the training schedule at an affiliate: Read "Back Off Weeks."

Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process.
-Anne Wilson Schaef

Meighan 17:58
Swine 15:50
Aimee 12:44
Sam G. 14:51
Joe 26:40
Dan 20:11
Hannah 26:52
Kelly G. 22:59
Patty 26:56
Mike M. 15:33
CP 18:42
Nikki 19:54
Jason 19:34
Jim C. 26:59
Janet 23:17
Jeff 19:00
Lisa 17:32
Jon 19:15
Mike F. 21:17
Tim M. 21:29
Devin 17:50
Curin 20:44
Laura 14:50
* Another packed house today, great showing at all three classes!! Congrats to everyone, there were a variety of weights used and not indicated above. Special shout to Hannah for using 55# for the swings and 65# for the PP.


  1. Paul has gone out of his way to help everyone out at some point in time. He has gotten me through many workouts, last night being one. I wanted to get in my car and drive off!! Thanks Paul, you rock!!
    I will not be at the 5:15 class tonight, I feel like I got beat up by a gang. I will be at the fundraiser meeting and possibly the kipping workshop, if Aimee lets me wear gloves. :)

  2. Nicole- Way to hang in there last night. Bring your gloves and your matching purse...I'll let you in the door, I promise. :-)

  3. I was actually thinking the same thing last night...well, not the getting beat up by a gang part... ;)

    I think we are really blessed to have a team that really inspires and motivates each other to reach his/her personal best. Paul and Tim were awesome last night in the 6:30 class. And it was awesome racing Jim C to the finish as I felt the weights slipping out of my hands.

    Dare I sing the song..."We are family..!!" haha :)

  4. Aimee are you available Thursday night for a private session, any time after 5?


  5. Yesss! White gloves and white purse! Should I wear a diaper too? :P
    I was afraid of smashing into someone’s car last night with the weights.

  6. Sometime we should do a WOD that we've done before (say, something like yesterday's which doesn't require alot of gym space or equipment) and stagger the start according to our finish times. So that the person with the longest time starts first, and if we all finish with the exact same time as we had before, we'd all cross the finish line at the same time. Of course, this won't happen. Instead, we'll finish 'most improved time' to 'least improved time'.

    Anyway, I've always wanted to try something like that and last night's WOD got me thinking about it.

  7. Great idea Doug!

    Jill- I sent you a text in regards to you post.

    Nicole-White gloves and purse, sounds like easter?! Will you be wearing your white tights and new white shoes too?

  8. Yep I will be wearing all of that with no underwear. I'm crazy like that!

  9. Yes, thank you so much Paul and Tim P for pushing me through last nights WOD. Paul, sorry I yelled at you.

  10. i don't mean to brag but my wife is SMOKIN hot. wow.

  11. Hey gang-if anyone can come at 6:30..right after class we can chat about the fundraiser at that time and then do the kipping directly after. I had a 6:30 client, but the apt was moved.

  12. Sounds good to me. See you at 6:30.

  13. Just a random question because I am nosey...

    What is the sub for the DU's?

  14. Are tuck jumps still a sub for double unders?

  15. Aimee,

    I'd like to help out at the fundraiser but can't make it out tonight. Can you pass along information?

  16. Sub for DU is 70 tuck jumps or 200 single unders.

    Joe- we will def. pass along the info.

  17. I don't think I could have done another push press. You certainly dont ease in the newbies!!

  18. Welcome Meighan- You did an awesome job this morning...oh come on now you know you enjoyed the Push Presses!!!!!

  19. meighan:

    she is not kidding...your form on everything was fantabulous and you pushed extremely hard. you fit right in already. welcome to the club. you even threw the jump rope when you were done. classic!

  20. Awe, thanks Amy and Jason! Too Sweet. I hate that jump rope!! It was so fun...I can seriously see the addiction.

    Good luck with your fundraiser let me know if you need volunteers

  21. I can help at the fundraiser, I cant make it tonight either. Let me know what i can do to help.

  22. If there's a way for me to help from a distance...lemme know...

    So, today's the birthday. Big 23. Here was my b-day workout...

    225# Deadlift
    32 KG KB Swings


    That was a good one. And of course, I did my birthday burpees. I did one for good luck too...

    2 days till graduation. Hope all is well back home.

  23. Kit- Nice WOD and of course Happy Birthday, needless to say everyone felt we should wait until you are back in class for be-lated birthday burpees, I wonder if that means we add one for everyday we missed hummm...Good luck at Graduation this weekend!!!!
    We miss having you at the box...hurry back!

  24. Laura,

    What workout were you doing? Did you skip the double unders?

  25. Same workout as everyone else, the only thing I skipped taking breaks in between,I'm applying my learnings from the mental focus day.

  26. Kit,

    Congrats on your graduation. Only met you a few times but what a great accomplishment! Hope to see you again!

    I'll second the comments about everyone being so encouraging. Jen S is kick ass, great doing the farm stroll with you! Rest day tomorrow. See you Fri AM.!

  27. Jim- not to forget, this Friday is ONLY a 5:30 and 6:30 PM class...we will pick up the 6:00AM and 12:00Noon classes in June.

  28. thanks Aimee, you will probably have to tell me for a third time!

  29. Jim-I'll make sure to send a text tomorrow night to remind you :-)

  30. kit. that sounds fun. im doing that wod once my weights come in!..congrats on the graduation
