

We are happy to announce some great additions to the schedule!
Monday 9:30AM/5:30PM/6:30PM/7:30PM (LEVEL 2)*
Tuesday 5:30PM/6:30PM
Wednesday 6:00AM/12:00PM/5:15PM
Thursday 6:00AM
Friday 6:00AM/12:00PM/5:30PM/6:30PM
Saturday 12:00PM/1:00PM
Sunday 9:00AM/10:00AM/11:00AM (KIDS CLASS)**

*The Level 2 Class
is for the "seasoned" CrossFitter. To further define "seasoned" ...One who has an excellent understanding and is proficient in all of the fundamental CrossFit movements. Athletes should be able to execute the workouts with prescribed loads and intensity and have the willingness to give 100%. The Level 2 class generally will focus on the more complex Crossfit movements executed at higher intensities. Complainers are NOT welcome. Come prepared to train hard.

**The CrossFit Kids Class will begin this Sunday June 7th at 11:00AM.
Our CrossFit Kids program will start on June 7th as a 9 week program. Following the start of CFKids class this Sunday we will offer two CrossFit kids classes weekly. Tuesday at 4:45PM and Sunday at 11:00AM. The cost of the 9 week program is $225 per child. Your child can attend as many or as few classes during the 9 week time period. Drop in's are welcome $15 per child per class if you are not able to sign up for the full 9 week program.


  1. Does it count as complaining if I say things like I hate running, or I hate burpees etc...?

  2. I would classify that as an opinion :-)

  3. For the rest of us "un-seasoned" CrossFitters:

    You can sniffle, but you CANNOT cry.

  4. is the workout always the same as the previous classes? or the level two class different workout? and what if you can do all prescribe weight and heavier loads but cannot do rope climb, ring dips, etc..OR vise versa?

  5. The WOD for the Level 2 class will be different from the daily WOD. The class will be run slightly different as well...Any one who has an excellent understanding and is proficient in all of the fundamental CrossFit movements is welcome. Athletes should be able to execute the workouts with prescribed loads and intensity and have the willingness to give 100%. The Level 2 class generally will focus on the more complex Crossfit movements executed at higher intensities.
