
Was this Cindy or the D.U. WOD????
W.O.D 2.19.09
250 Double Unders (when) if you stop, each time you must complete one round of 'Cindy' (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats).

sub: 750 single unders

note: Rxd is consecutive DU's no single unders in between

"Fun with Gymnastics" with Gillian Mounsey at Jeannie's Beach CrossFit - video [wmv] [mov]

"An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises."
-Mae West

Paul (14 rounds Cindy) 36:19 (DU and Singles)
Sam (2 rounds of Cindy) 10:10 (Singles)
Lisa (5 rounds of Cindy) 14:33 (Singles)
Aimee (7 rounds of Cindy) 13:37 (DU)


  1. Uh oh. I better bring a lunch.....and a bucket.

  2. this was fun to watch. way to stick with it paul. sam, impressive only stopping twice. lisa, nice L sits. aim, impressive as always.

  3. Paul awesome job, I admire you dedication even if you hurt my sides laughing while trying trying to jump rope. Next time I will try to do the double unders. The spread betwen single and double should be even larger though. Jason thanks for the help with muscle ups. Great job lisa

  4. This looks interesting...250 DU's straight?!? i might have to do the sub at home later on.

  5. Great job everyone, Paul nice perseverance...next time DU's for Sam and Lisa! Jason...hope you enjoyed your first coaching experience!!!!

  6. That sounds like a cool WOD. wish I was there

  7. does 1 DU = 3 Singles, say if i get 100 DU's done and decide to finish with singles does that mean i only have 450 singles left?

  8. Awesome job Paul - and way to stick with it. On a good day I can get 5 DUs in a row - which would have me doing AT LEAST 50 rounds of Cindy...until I get better at DU's I'd like to pass on this one :)

  9. Mike--Yes 1 DU in this WOD = 3 singles. Sometimes a better measure in comparison to a DU is at tuck jump, but in this WOD 3/1 ratio.

  10. laura:

    i would in all reality be doing 100 cindy's. ouch

    500 pullups, 1000 pushups, 1500 squats....

    i would be unable to finish.

  11. I'm pretty sure Evan's email to me this morning was by far the best calculation, here it is... "I saw todays WOD. 250 double unders and everytime you break is 1 rnd of Cindy... That would make about 250 rounds of Cindy for me! Doing some quick math since it took me 20min to do 17 rounds of Cindy yesterday...lemme see UHHHMMM 250/17=14.7x20 = 294 minutes or approx 5 hours"

  12. Glad that i was already at work for this one.

  13. Aimee- you rock! that is awesome! Brad did it with only 7 rounds of Cindy. Me? Let's just say - that was another story.
