
W.O.D. 2.6.09

"Get Up, Jump and Burpee"
Box Jumps (25" guys/21"gals)
Turkish Get ups (35 guys/20 gals)

Speal's Turkish Wifey Getup ...[wmv][mov]

Coach Notes:
I hope everyone's 'kick the sugar' journey is going well. Post to comments anything you have learned so far. Also, make sure to check the CrossFit Delaware Valley Blog around noon on Friday as they will be posting the WOD's for Saturday and the standards for the movements. The link to CFDV is on the side bar of the CFKoP blog. Direct any questions regarding the WOD's or location or general concerns to CFDV.

"What doesn't kill me does not make me stronger. It makes me anxious, bitchy, and vulnerable...but nobody wants to see that embroidered on a pillow."
-passed on to me from an anonymous source

Miranda 15# 33:28
Jon 25# 33:04
Sam 35# 33:23
Laura 20# 33:45
Paul 35# 33:28
Hanna (15/20#) 45:20
Tim M. 25# 1:04:04
Jill (15#) 44:33
Joe (35#) 53:24
Lisa (15/20#) 34:25
Jen 20# 38:48


  1. wow, good luck guys and gals. i am thankful for a rest day on this beast. the get-ups destroyed me last time.

  2. are we really going to pick each other up like that turkish video? If so, I want first dibs at who i have to pick up!

  3. Is this WOD for tonight?

  4. I'm coming tonight and have to do a speed workout at 5:30, this is going to take longer than it looks I feel :) At least we start at 10 and work down to 1!

  5. Yes Nicole, 5:30 and 6:30.
    Are you IN???

  6. Howdy!

    Nicole-Are you going tonight? I'll be there at 5:30.

    Evan-Can you look over my food journal tonight?

  7. I'm in!! I was confused with the picture.

    Miranda-I will be there at 5:30.

  8. The WOD is up on the CFDV site. Hannah- They have deadlifts!!

  9. Hi Guy's and Gals,
    Please go to the CFDV web site and link to the WebBlog for the Affiliate challenge. Yes, the WOD's are posted but make sure you read about the Rules and Movement standards.

  10. I like the WOD. I can do both exercises pretty good. 10 rounds is a LONG time. LOL.

    We cannot scale the team workout and it involves pull-ups, are there four people going that can do them unscaled? If not, we will just start drinking early. LOL.

    If there is an interest, we can meet a CF KoP a little earlier than 7:45 and practice our deadlifts. I have a key so let me know and I will go early if there is interest. I would like to get a feel for how heavy 185 is. Post if you want to go at 7:15 and practice. Thanks.

  11. Miranda,
    Sure not a problem on the food journal.
    See ya tonight.

  12. Jason,
    I just got off the phone with Rob at CFDV. We can scale the team workout. There can also be more than one team per affiliate. The deal is if you have people scaling the team workout we need to group them together. In other words the team either scales or does not. We need to kind of organize ourselves tonight as far as who is on what team for the team workouts. If we don' have enough to make up an entire team, I was told there will be some floaters and they will work into the group.

  13. Looks like I'm out of commission for a bit. My back started to spasm on Wednesday and built to a crescendo this morning on the drive into work. Doc gave me a big shot of stuff and I will be on pain meds and muscle relaxants at least through the weekend. So I am a scratch for the challenge tomorrow and won't see you all for a few days. I wish I could be there, I was actually looking forward to tomorrow and feel like a total whuss for not being able to suck it up and compete. (especially since there are deadlifts!) Please take lots of pictures so I can see how great you guys are!!!

  14. You can always be a CF KoP cheerleader Cindy!

    Also, Evan, today is my day off so you will not see me tonight but I would like to be on the non-scaling team. Thanks.

  15. Also,
    One more important thing for tomorrow.... The pipes have apparently froze overnight at CFDV and Rob had to rent a Port O Potty for this event. Since this is a free event he has asked for small donations towards the P.O.P. and if possible could we bring a cooler with drinks. I'll bring a large cooler tonight to class.

  16. deadlifts awesome! pullups not so awesome! rxd for individual. and i will be on a scaled team for the group workout..does that mean i can use the black band, and push-ups on my knees?!?! ;)

    ps. cin, come anyway! it wont be the same if you're not there!

  17. Ah, Cindy, I'm there with you on the back spasms. Very frustrating. Back spasms, I mean what the hell? What's the point? I'd like to punch my back spasms in the face. Let me know how the shot and meds work out, i've steered clear of the doc so far.

    Good luck to Team CFKoP at CFDV, I know you guys'll kill it, and look damn good doing it, too.

  18. Doug go get the shot, it was worth it. It was a combination of an anesthetic for the pain and a steroid for the muscle. The spasms today were so bad I was having trouble breathing because every breath cased a new spasm. I still hurt but not nearly as bad as before. Jeff blames the spasms on the "no sugar" diet and has prescribed chocolate donuts every 2 hours. I have resisted his treatment and am relying on the Vicodan and Flexiril!

    If I can be there tomorrow to cheer you guys on I will!

  19. Cindy - that sucks about your back - way to resist Jeff's attempt to ruin your no sugar diet!
    Doug - hope you're better soon too, didn't know you were still out.
    Evan - for the DV workout, I need to scale - 135 is my deadlift max and I could barely do 3. For the team workout, I can do pull ups without scaling but I'm REALLY slow - so it might be in the team's best interest for me to be on the team that scales.
    Tim can do full pull ups - he doesn't need to scale the team workout - not sure about him on the individual workout though!

    Sorry posted to the wrong blog first time!

  20. I am out of commission too. I just went to Jeff, the chiropractor. I have a major muscle spasm in my neck thats causing headaches. I am out for this weekend. I have to see him Monday before class to see if its better. THIS SUCKS! I am so pissed. Sorry guys! I turn 31 and look what happens!

  21. I'm out too, Messed up my shoulder on deadlifts on Monday. Im taking the rest of the week off. See you on Monday


  22. Doreen Antonucci - Female -Rxd
    Laura Pappas- Female-Scale
    Tim Pappas-Male Rxd
    Jeff Handler- Male Scale
    Jason Lyons- Male Rxd
    Lisa Esposto- Female Rxd
    Hannah Marley- Female Rxd
    Tim Marley- Male Rxd
    Joe Abraham- Male Rxd

    So I think that this is who is left that is going. Who should the Rxd team be for the team workout remembering that we need to get full chin above the bar?


  23. I can do the team WOD RxD, 10 pullups is definitely doable for me. I'll scale the deadlifts if possible, 185 for that many reps may be pushing it, and only one of us can have a bad back at one time!

  24. i am up for absolutely anything the team decides. i am going to have fun which i am sure we all will!

    i would love to use the black band on pull-ups. lol.

    i also think that this is a new record for number of posts. go crew!

  25. I can do the individual Rxd - but I can't get my chin above the bar so I need to scale for the team event!

    Is everyone still planning to meet at 7:45 to carpool?

    I won't be there tonight - any suggestions on what to fill our coolers with?

    Sorry to hear about everyone's injuries - I hope you are all back in business soon!!

  26. wow- this is getting exciting :)
    mee too, i'll do whatever I need to do to make us successful, this will be fun no doubt.

  27. I'm so bummed to hear about everyone's injuries. I've got a new one of my own too...a sprained wrist...But I will fight through as I'm sure you all will.

    The WOD's at CFDV look like fun! Good Luck everyone you will do great!! Let me know the results!


  28. Please put me in for the Team RX squad.

    Doreen we are leaving Crossfit KOP at 7:45 so be there a bit earlier.

  29. Hey, I know it's late, but if you need it, then I can hang with the team WOD. Squats won't be at warp speed, but I can get them done in a reasonable time. Can do on the pullups & pushups with no limitations.

    I can't do the individual WOD though. Deadlifts and box jumps are bad juju for me at the moment.

    Let me know if you need some team WOD support. If not, then I may show up for moral support.

  30. Ray-you should def go for the affiliate WOD! You can sign up when you get there. If you want to carpool the team is meeting at CFKop before 7:45.

  31. Good Luck at the games tomorrow


  32. The wife just cleared me for takeoff. I'll be at KOP around 07:30, but roll without me if I don't get there before 07:45. If you need me on the team WOD, then I'm good, but if there are stronger players, then do what ever is best for the team. I'll have fun either way.

    Hey with all these deadlift "tweaks", I am gonna have to spring for a pair of badass Chuck Taylor hightops for everybody. Black for the Spartan Warriors, pink for the Amazons.

    Keep your form tight tomorrow folks. The time will take care of itself.
