
W.O.D. 2.4.09

5 rounds for time:
10 Ring Push-Ups
15 KTE
20 Push Press (75/55)

Mike G and Chuck, 2009 CrossFit Games

Info from Modern Forager:
-Scott Kustes

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.
~John Madden

Jason 22:18
Adam 19:30
Aimee 15:12


  1. you go aim, sorry i "flaked" on you this morning! have a great time in the warmer weather!

  2. Jen,

    You didn't eat a doughnut.....did you?

  3. so when Aimee's doing the WOD she changes it to something else...I see :)

    Good luck and have fun in Texas!

  4. Man, I tweaked my back during the heavy deads, so I'll be out a few more days at least (and I was looking forward to Evan's workouts,too), but these last two workouts looked like FUN! I love squat cleans and I've never had the chance to try ring push-ups, but that's gotta be a blast.

    On the no-sugar front, feeling lethargic & unfocused today (Day 3 for me). I hope there's no sugar in naproxen or ibuprofen because I've been snacking on those pretty regularly.

  5. LP-Yep...constantly varied, right? I wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to savor the previous one posted, so I'm saving it for next week :-)

    Doug-Sorry to hear that. I hope is more a muscle spasm...then any vertebrae tweaks.

    All- enjoy your WOD's with Evan! I will see you on Monday. And good luck on Saturday. You will ROCK! I'm not sure who is carpooling, but you might want to coordinate that...

  6. For the carpoolers this weekend lets aim to leave crossfit kop at 7:45 since it take 1/2 hr to get there. Thanks

  7. i hear you Joe! 7:45 sounds like a good plan. see everyone then in the atlas parking lot!
