
Saturday Snatch.
W.O.D. 1.3.09
21 Hang Power Snatch
42 Push-Ups
15 Hang Power Snatch
30 Push-Ups
9 Hang Power Snatch
18 Push-Ups

Why are you CrossFit?
I am CrossFit from CrossFit Central: Video.

"Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back."
-Chinese proverb


  1. My ladies had the cars today, so I had to work this from home again. No barbells here, but I did put my new 35 lb Kettlebell to good use.

    22 (R&L) KB Hang Snatch
    44 Push-Ups from the toes
    16 (R&L) MB Hang Snatch
    32 Push-Ups from the toes
    10 (R&L) KB Hang Snatch
    20 Push-Ups form the toes

    Time: 24 Minutes

    Followed up with:

    1000 M Row
    Time: 5:02

    A 35 lb KB doesn't sound like much, but I felt it near the end of each set. I would not have wanted to try much heavier since this was my first attempt at high rep KB snatches.

    I may get there tomorrow, but if not, then I will be in at least twice during the week.

  2. Ray:

    So disappointed that you did not cool down with box jumps on the cedar chest. lol. Good job man.

  3. Ray-AWESOME! way to keep up with the WOD's at home! If your local I could send the CrossFit KoP bus out for you on Saturdays.

  4. Thanks Jason & Aimee.

    A wise Jarhead once said, "Improvise, adapt, and overcome."

    However, in the interest of marital harmony, I have a 20" box and a 20 lb Dynamax ball enroute from againfaster.com. Now, I just have to prepare for the inevitable question: "So, how much did that cost?"

  5. tonight (sat), timmy and i are welcoming anyone who wants to stop by around 7/8ish to watch the colts game, eat pizza, and relax. we are low key...218 B clubhouse, behind FAC if you want to hangout. 724-816-3955

    ps. aimee, i know you are wondering how i have internet...i am very sneaky.
