
Sit-ups galore and Double Unders too.

W.O.D. 12.28.08
Annie +
Double Unders (sub Jump Rope 150-120-90-60-30)
Sit Ups
Push Ups

Click here to read about local affiliate CrossFit Apex.

"There's no shame in knowing; the shame lies in not finding out."
-Russian Proverb

Laura 15:44
Aimee 16:04 (DU)
Josh 16:56
Doreen 17:05
Jeff 23:16
Nicole 25:00
Paul 25:06 (DU)
Danielle 27:50
Tim P. 28:00 (DU)
Cindy 28:30
Jason-33:36 (DU)
Tim M. 35:08 (DU)


  1. Had to do the church thing with the family, so I couldn't make it today. Your WOD wasn't posted when I got home, so I did "Michael" which was on the HQ blog:

    3 Rounds for time:
    800 Meter Run
    50 Back Extensions
    50 Situps

    I substituted 35 lb kettlebell good mornings for the back extensions.

    Time 45:45

    Pretty lame time, but hey I finished it. That last 800 M and last round of situps took forever. There was an extra 400 M and 3 flights of stairs in there as well. Yeah, THAT must be why it took so long!

    I tried to break out the jump rope after that, but I stopped after my 8 year old daughter smoked me on the 1st 150 jumps!

  2. Ray-Strong work!! We missed you in class, see you next week!
