
Fall Burpee Challenge

Tonight was the start of our Fall Burpee Challenge! 100 Burpees for time!
We will be practicing our Burpees in each class until the week before Thanksgiving when we time our 100 Burpees again! So basically all fall!

We welcomed Paul a fellow CrossFitter from Pittsburgh tonight! Paul maintained perfect form throughout all 100 Burpees! Congrats! Fantastic work!
And Nicole...please don't ever say you are quitting with 17 to go...or we are having words! And by the way, your snatch was the best I've seen in awhile!

Form is something I talk about alot...remember time isn't always everything gang! Proper form is what counts and what makes you stronger and enables you to go the extra mile and gets the work done in the long run!! So in addition to our Burpee Challenge for fall, we are making form our other focus!
Everyone did an awesome job! This was a tough one!

Doreen 8:31
Paul 8:50
Betsy 9:49
Margaret 9:29
Jeff 11:10
Eric 13:37
Lisa S. 11:30
Nicole 16:22
Paul S. (pit.) 10:23
Hannah 10:50
Liz 11:17
Jason 12:00
Aimee 7:14

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