
9am Spin and CrossFit Fran...

Every Sunday at 9 am I teach spin at the Farimount Athletic Club. This week I had two special visitors; Ken and Jesse took a road trip and drove from Reading so I could kick their butts! Now that's true dedication...thanks for the visit guys, you both rocked it and worked up a great sweat in the process!! Remember, I'll be back at Valhalla on 7/11 at 6am and 7/25 for 6am spin class. Stay linked in to my blog for a CrossFit class on Friday's in Reading.

And...just a tidbit...I did CrossFit Fran Rx'd for Women, 65lb thrusters and Pull-ups 21-15-9 reps for a time of 9:42, thanks to Jason for keeping my time and motivating me through. Check in next month when I attempt it again for an improved time...

Here's a video of Greg and Annie doing Fran from the CrossFit website click here to watch it !! Certianly something to strive for!!!

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