

5 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
9 Squat cleans (135/205#)
5 Ring Muscle Ups

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”—Henry Ford


  1. 6AM
    Subhan 26:43 5 squat cleans @165# Ring rows
    Alex 22:55 4rds 135# Ring rows
    Bryan 29:29 145# Ring dips
    Tori 24:05 65# strict pull-ups banded
    Jess 26:45 95# Pull-ups banded
    Kevin 28:45 95# Strict pull-ups

  2. Masters
    4 Rounds
    400 M Row
    9 Squat cleans
    5 Ring Transitions or 9 RR

    Kathy 19:19 35#/ RR
    Gigi 18:59 26#
    Richard 18:52 35#
    Terry 18:35 45#
    Lisa 19:09 35#

    Keith 28:24 135# 4 rds
    Max 32:18 145# 5 ring dips
    Kevin H 30:34 185#
    Megs ????
    Dana H 35:46 4 rds
    Edwin 28:56 115# pullups 9 reps
    Pam 32:37 135# 9 strict PU
    Sarah M 30:40 55# RR
    Rich A 32:47 rx
    Geoff 24:22 bench dips 135#
    Dana D 31:52 95# 9 C2B

    AM 26:30 65# 6 reps
    Jackie 24:56 c2 bike 135 FS JMU
    Emily 25:13 90# JMUT
    Monica 26:28 55# JMUT
    Mary 25:43 75# JMUT 4 rds

    Aimee 29:25 4 rds 95#
    Cate 33:13 3 ring MU per rd

  3. Megs 25:10 4 rounds 85# 9 banded strict

  4. 4:30
    Shannon 27:20 negatives
    Grayson 27:31 55# inverted pulls
    Matt D 23:52 145 ring dips
    Jeff 26:47 rx
    Matt P 28:28 95

  5. Seth 24:00 135# ring push ups
    Jamie 28:11 135# jumping ring mu
    Julia 27:29 125# ring mu transitions
    Kaitlyn 28:45 65# ring rows
    Danielle G 27:13 125# band strict pull-ups
    Danielle 28:25 95# banded pull ups
