

3 Rounds for time of:
21 Handstand Push-ups
21 Calories Air Bike
15 Ring Dips 
15 Calories Air Bike
9 Push-ups
9 Calories Air Bike

“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” - Carrie Fisher


  1. 6am

    Jessi 24:43 bike/airrun sdp15 boxpushups
    Danielle 28:22 sdp 20
    Missy 32:44 5/5hspu/sdp bdip boxpushups
    Jamie 26:31 sdp25 bdip
    Brian 20:19 Rx
    Julia 27:01 bdip
    King 29:48 1ab bdip
    Tori 20:50 3ab bdip
    Jess 20:59 3ab bdip
    Kate 29:15 10/11hspu/sdp25 bdip
    Kristi 33:27 10hspu2ab boxdips boxpushups
    Mark 26:55 2ab
    Subhan 30:16 12hspu1ab 9dips

  2. Masters 15-12-9

    Terry 19:23
    May 19:50 row
    Lee 20:04 row
    Lisa 20:00
    Richard 19:52

  3. 9:30
    colette 22:43 sc
    Mary 28:37 10 HSPU 1.5 ab 15-12-9 bike box dip
    Molly 27:15 2ab 12 HSPU band
    Em G 23:40 12 HSPU 2.5 ab banded dip knee pushup
    Erini 26:05 2.5 ab
    Aimee 27:03 rx

  4. Geoff 24//;16 pu, banded dip, stink bug
    Dana H 29:22 Rx
    Taylor 25:23 12 hspu
    Carl 14:27 Rx
    Keith 28:35 Rx
    Evan Z 29:30 Rx
    Matty Bo 26:14 15-12-9 gymnastics, 2ab, band dips
    Meg D 29:41 18-15-9 cals, band dip
    Shannon 26:14 15-12-9 gymnastics, 3 ab, band dips
    Pete D 23:23 Rx
    Sarah B 26:26 box hasp, box pushups, box dip 15-12-9 all
    John Mc 27:10 20/15#db, ring row
    Meredith 23:26 c2 bike, band dip, 2 ab
    Pam 24:58 15-12-9 gymnastics
    Rich A 22:10 Rx

  5. 5:30
    Baez 24:58 rx
    Danielle C 26:47 15-12-9 gymnastics snake, box under feet dips
    Rebecca 26:34 15-12-9 gymnastics snake, box under feet dips

  6. 4:30 PM
    The Nat 30:01 15/12/9 gymnastics 1 AB
    Freaky 32:00 15/12/9 gymnastics 1 AB
    Remer 18:24 rx
    Lauren T 25:14 15/12/9 DB 15# DB press
    Jeff P 16:30 rx
    Erim 23:55 rx
    Emma 26:24 12/12/9 DB press 3 AB band
    Alex Tu 24:52 15/15/9 2 B
    Dave H 30:00 of HARD WORK!!
    Ben B 25:35 15/12/9 gymnastics DB seated press 35#
    Olan CAP 30:03
    Karen 22:41 6 hspu 6 seated press/12 dips
    Mike M 31:00 :)

  7. 6:30
    ABO 25:24 3 15-12-9 gymnastics, 3 mats sdp 15#, slam balls, snake
    Jorge 21:58 15-12-9 all. SDP 20# box under feet dips
    Seth 20:40 15-10-9 gymnastics, stink bugs, box under feet, snake
    Rachel 27:10 15-9-9 gymnastics, sdp 20#, box under feet dips
